Washington, DC - Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-09),Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, is honored to receive Growth Energy's "2024 Biofuels Champion - Fueling Growth Award" for her steadfast leadership in advancing biofuels policies that benefit farmers, producers, and consumers in Northwest Ohio and across the nation. As a long-time advocate for renewable fuels, Kaptur has championed policies that not only support American energy independence but also promote economic growth for rural communities.
"American biofuels are a cornerstone of our nation's agricultural and energy sectors. What America makes and grows, makes and grows America," said Congresswoman Kaptur (OH-09). "This award recognizes my work with hardworking farmers, producers, and growers to advance our renewable energy future. I will always fight to ensure that our biofuels industry remains strong, and that American energy is powered by American ingenuity that allows us to work toward energy independence in perpetuity."
As a leader on biofuels issues in Congress, Congresswoman Kaptur has taken key actions to support this critical industry:
Advocating for Year-Round E15 Sales: Congresswoman Kaptur supports efforts to restore permanent, unrestricted access to E15 (gasoline blended with 15% ethanol) nationwide, year-round. She is a proud co-sponsor of legislation to amend the Clean Air Act to allow the sale of E15 year-round across the country. In 2023, Kaptur joined her congressional colleagues in successfully pressing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow permanent year-round E15 sales in Midwestern states starting in 2025. She also called on the EPA to issue an emergency waiver to permit E15 sales during the summer of 2024.
Strengthening the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): Congresswoman Kaptur has long been a supporter of a robust Renewable Fuel Standard, which is vital for reducing emissions and boosting domestic fuel production. Most recently, in July, she joined a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan urging support for ambitious Renewable Volume Obligations (RVO) for biomass-based diesel and advanced biofuels for the 2026 compliance year.
Supporting Bioethanol for Carbon Reduction: Congresswoman Kaptur recognizes bioethanol as a key element in reducing carbon emissions in the transportation sector. She has advocated for the use of the best available scientific models to accurately measure the emissions impacts of advanced and new transportation fuels. Kaptur has also urged the EPA to address delays in Class VI wells permitting, which are critical for advancing carbon capture and storage projects that align with US carbon reduction goals.
Promoting Domestic Feedstocks for Clean Fuel Production: In her commitment to ensuring that US biofuels are made from domestic resources, Congresswoman Kaptur led 39 of her colleagues in a bipartisan letter alongside Congressman Tracey Mann (KS-01) urging the US Department of Treasury to finalize rules for the 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit. This letter emphasized the importance of limiting eligibility to fuels made from domestic feedstocks by American fuel producers.
Photos of the 2024 Biofuels Champion - Fueling Growth Award presentation can be found by clicking here.
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