Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria

03/14/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 03/14/2024 07:02

March 22 | Presentation of the volume 'Nassiriyah. Dall'attentato alla ricerca delle verità' - Nasiriyah. From the attack to the search for the truth

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March 22 | Presentation of the volume "Nassiriyah. Dall'attentato alla ricerca delle verità" - Nasiriyah. From the attack to the search for the truth

With the presence of the author, Army Corps General Carmelo Burgio.

On Friday 22 March, at 5.30 pm in the DIGIES conference room in Palazzo Sarlo, the presentation of the volume "Nasiriyah. From the attack to the search for the truth" will take place with the presence of the author, Army Corps General Carmelo Burgio.

After the institutional greetings and speeches of the Rector of the Università Mediterranea, prof. Giuseppe Zimbalatti, and the Director of the Department, prof. Daniele Cananzi, the RIS Brigadier General Francesco Maria Chiaravalloti will speak and dialogue with the Author.

The event is part of the cultural activities aimed at the academic community and citizens, on current issues, pages of history, social issues, aimed at animating debate and public reflection on topics of particular interest.

The Nasiriyah massacre, still present in the memories of many, represents one of those pages in contemporary history that deserves to be carefully analyzed and made the subject of in-depth reflection.