
Verily Life Sciences LLC

04/29/2022 | Press release | Archived content

COVID-19 Hot Topics Survey

At the end of February 2022, we surveyed 2,700+ members of our COVID-19 Research Community. We wanted to know how confident our community members were in going about their everyday lives, as well as their plans for the near-term future.

At the time of this survey, about a quarter (25.2%) of respondents reported not feeling very confident about attending large gatherings, such as concerts, events, weddings, etc.

That said, people also reported that they are "somewhat" or "very" confident about resuming work (44.3%), school (42.0%), or travel (55.6%), in the next 3 months.

As we've seen throughout the pandemic, regular testing will be important moving forward with more people resuming activities in communal spaces. In addition to finding COVID-19 testing sites near you, Verily's Health at Work program is a helpful solution that can inform workplace safety protocols as companies consider return to office plans.

In the next three months, our respondents reported that they plan to continue practicing safe COVID-19 protocols, with the top responses being:

  1. Regularly sanitizing/washing my hands

  2. Wearing a mask in public places

  3. Practicing social distancing

Along with their outlook on months ahead, we also asked what influenced respondents' behavior around COVID-19 protocols and plans in the last three months - the most common response was the new variant, followed by increases in new community infections and updates from government agencies.

Omicron had many of our respondents adapting their behaviors and everyday activities. When asked what ways the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their plans for the start of 2022, respondents were most likely to say that it changed their:

  1. Day-to-day activities (e.g. eating out, going to the gym, grocery shopping, etc.)

  2. Plans for hosting/participating in events (e.g. weddings, concerts, conferences, etc.)

  3. Travel plans

We're thankful to our COVID-19 Research Community for taking the time to provide crucial insights as the pandemic continues to evolve.