12/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/05/2024 13:45
Cheyenne - The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality State has released a new episode of its State of the Environment podcast.
The podcast's episodes cover topics related to the agency and its work to help listeners be more aware of the work the DEQ and its seven Divisions provide for Wyoming.
Listen now to DEQ Director Todd Parfitt as he visits with the agency's Air Quality Division Administrator, Nancy Vehr on All Things Air Quality.
The State of the Environment Episodes can be found on Spotify, the podcast webpage https://stateoftheenvironment.buzzsprout.com/, and the homepage of the DEQ's website deq.wyo.gov.
The public is encouraged to sign up for DEQ's News on their website at deq.wyo.gov to get the latest episodes delivered directly to their email.
Click below and listen to Episode 5 now!