CHP - Christian Heritage Party of Canada

04/23/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/23/2024 04:05

What’s Wrong With Parliament

"Democracy"-translated from the Greek-is "rule by the people." In Canada, rather than voting on every issue ourselves, we elect representatives (MPs) who are expected to speak for us in Parliament and to vote for the policies and laws that their constituents would support. This can be referred to as "representative democracy." But, it begs some questions. Why do so many Canadians view with disdain the government they elected to speak for them? Why do they feel powerless, ignored and exploited by 'their' government?

What's wrong with our Parliament?

1 - 'Your' MP is not really accountable to the electorate.

Really? The Government of Canada claims that MPs represent those who elected them. So, to whom do they really answer?

The party leader! If an MP hopes to be nominated again, he or she must have the approval of the party leader.

For example, if you are pro-life, you absolutely cannot be a Liberal candidate. Neither can you be a candidate for the NDP or the Greens. If you are a Conservative candidate, you can privately be pro-life-but shut up about your opinions! If you want to be a Bloc MP candidate, you absolutely must be in favour of breaking up the country that has worked so hard to preserve your culture.

2 - The five parties already represented in the House of Commons split $30 million a year of taxpayers' money among themselves-access to public money that is denied to any and all other political opinions. Your taxes provide this money whether or not you voted for those parties.

3 - The parties already represented in Parliament have overwhelming publicity advantages not available to other policy options.

A sitting MP has regular taxpayer-paid direct mail to his or her constituents that competing politicians do not have: a free monthly 'newsletter' to defend his or her party's policies.

A sitting MP can also get millions of dollars' worth of free publicity in the 'news' media-especially if they sit on the government benches, and even more so if they are in the Cabinet.

Small wonder that incumbent MPs and MLAs or MPPs can normally expect a 90+ percent chance of re-election! It's not a matter of 'chance' at all; once elected, the sitting Member's primary goal is re-election. Period.

4 - Government MPs, especially Cabinet ministers, if they are obedient to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), have the added benefit of favourable publicity controlled by that office.

Remember, the PMO appoints ambassadors, judges, cabinet ministers, parliamentary committee chairs, and many of the senior civil servants in what has become the 'permanent' government establishment. Politicians come and go, but the power brokers of 'the swamp' stay on as long as they choose. And often, after they are prepared to leave the swamp, there is a 'golden parachute' awaiting them in the corporate world where they once made rulings to the benefit of major corporate entities whose fates they once ruled.

5 - Remember 'The Golden Rule': he who has the gold, rules.

There are limits to the amount of money any individual, or business, or labour union can give to a politician or a party; but there are many other ways such entities can benefit a friendly politician or party: appointments to study groups, discussion groups, community organizations or educational bodies through which the politician can garner favourable exposure. Such benefits are worth their weight in gold; after all, gold is only useful to buy favourable publicity-or to buy support.

6 - What can be done about this gross imbalance?

  • Citizens should recognize that the most powerful political influence they can have is not their vote; it is to become a member of the local riding association where most party candidates are chosen. Choosing who can be a candidate is a powerful portal to political power.
  • Also, citizens can and should express their opinions in the media, vigorously and often-including social media, which has pretty nearly eclipsed the legacy media in influencing public opinion.
  • Clamour for divestment of the PMO's power of appointments (see point 4 above).
  • Protest the advantage of the five parties in Parliament in having access to $30 million a year of your taxes.
  • Object to judges who legislate from the bench, rather than settling political disputes according to legal principles.
  • Object to the Left's use of the public schools as agencies to brainwash the next generation of voters.
  • Point out the logical errors of the 'climate catastrophe' scam and the 'gender-affirming care' scam. Both are based on erroneous false premises, and both work to the disadvantage of most people in a democracy.
  • Pray. God is still on His throne, and He cares what happens in the nations-including ours. Bless Israel; God has promised to bless those who bless His chosen ones.
  • If your community has a CHP Electoral District Association, join it-and be willing to either stand as a candidate, or to work and donate to support someone else who is willing to be a candidate.
  • If your community does not have a CHP EDA, organize one. Talk to friends and neighbours about becoming politically active; sell memberships; organize meetings.

Finally, remember II Chronicles 7:14-
"If My people, who are called by My Name, will

  • humble themselves;

(Don't say, "I'm right" or "we're right"; say, "God's right." Always.)

  • and pray;
  • and seek My face;
  • and turn from their wicked ways;

(what wicked ways? "I'm too busy," apathy, indifference, lack of trust...)

"Then will I hear from Heaven, and forgive their sins, and I will heal their land."

We must act before our democracy is swallowed up by those who no longer recognize their accountability to the people.

Join CHP and make the change happen!