01/21/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/21/2025 13:10
The New Year is packed with major political and economic events taking place in seminal parts of the world which most certainly will have an impact on global trade and economic output. Furthermore, the second Trump Administration already anticipates a busy- and possibly bumpy road for international trade relations.
Here there are some of the new IBC programs and initiatives for 2025:
The Council will closely monitor through our new International Policy Desk (IPD) any major developments in key regions, such as North America, concerning our Members and Global Partners. To participate in the IPD committee or to receive policy updates, email me at [email protected].
In 2024 we welcomed as new members The Spanish Trade Commission (ICEX), The Indonesian Consulate, International Law firm Dentons U.S., technology incubator LatinXLDN, international fashion group Imagen Consulting, and biotechnology startup Gene Matrix. In 2025, the Council's efforts will also focus on re-connecting with current and former members to develop policy, programs, and initiatives that align with their business objectives and drive tangible value to their organizations.
We are resuming two IBC signature programs: [hyperlinks under each]
o The Global Trade (Feb. 4th, 2025) with keynote speaker Isabel Icso, Senior Director of International Policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and
o The Chamber's Day International Visit (March 19th) special hosting of Chicago's international diplomatic community. Please contact me directly for registration.
We are also introducing a new event series called On-The-Radar to highlight the commercial relation with our Global Partners and the opportunity that such close affiliation can bring to our members. The first program is scheduled for March 6th and will feature Spain[LO2] -best performing economy in 2024, ranking top among OECD countries based on GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, and stock market.
For a full description of all the IBC programs, please visit our 2025 calendar [link].
Lastly, the Council will be launching, in collaboration with our members in the agricultural sector, "The Future of Ag Initiative" to celebrate the International Year of the Woman Farmer (IYWF).
This year-round initiative aims to emphasize the importance of the agricultural sector in our economy and the contributions of women farmers in the sustainability and innovation of farming. With this launch, the IBC intends to position Illinois as the leader in driving the conversation about the Future of Agriculture by elevating topics and issues impacting the sector, and women farmers in particular. The various programs will address global challenges such as climate change and geopolitical upheavals disrupting supply-chains and increasing trade barriers as well as the opportunities that policy, technology, and partnerships could bring to the next generation of farmers.
A strong and thriving US agricultural sector is crucial for achieving global food security and safety and it is also key to preserving our national interest and national security. Check next month's IBC letter for more information on this 2025 Illinois Chamber's initiative.
I can't thank enough our Global Partners, Member Companies, and the Chamber's Team for their support. I am incredibly grateful for the friendship and encouragement offered by many of you in 2024, and kudos to the Illinois Chamber's Leadership for bringing back the IBC!
Please consider supporting the International Business Council this year to advance your interest in global trade and Illinois' leadership in driving a pro-business international agenda
I look forward to reconnecting with you. Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2025!
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