Corporacion America Airports SA

08/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/13/2024 04:02

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements Form 6 K

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format


Glossary of terms
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Summary of Information requested by Resolution N° 368/01 of the National Securities Commission
Review Report of the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Report of the Supervisory Committee


Term Definition
$ Argentine peso
U$S US dollar
EUR Euro
The company Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A.
AFIP Federal Public Revenue Administration
BCRA Acronym for Central Bank of Argentine Republic
BAN Bank of Argentine Nation
OG Official Gazette
BOPREAL Bond for the Reconstruction of a Free Argentina
CAAP Corporación América Airports S.A.
CINIIF Committee on Interpretations of International Financial Reporting Standards
CNV National Securities Commission
CPCECABA Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
FACPCE Argentine Federation of Professional Councils of Economic Sciences
IASB Acronym for International Accounting Standards Board
IATA Acronym for International Air Transport Association
PAIS TAX Tax for an Inclusive and Solidary Argentina
INDEC Acronym for National Institute of Statistics and Censuses
IPC Consumer Price Index (General Level)
MULC Acronym for Free Exchange Market
NIC International Accounting Standards
NIIF International Financial Reporting Standards
OACI International Civil Aviation Organization
ON Negotiable Obligations
ORSNA Acronym for Regulatory Body of the National Airport System
PEN National Executive Power
PFIE Financial Projection of Income and Expenditures
PP&E Property , Plant & Equipment
RECPAM Result from Exposure to Changes in the Purchasing Power of the Currency
RIGI Large Investment Incentive Regime
SNA National Airport System
TNA Nominal annual interest rate
TO Ordered Text

Registration number with the Superintendency of Corporations: 1645890

Honduras 5663 - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Principal activity of the Company: Exploitation, administration and operation of airports.

Company name: Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A.

Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the six-month period of the

Fiscal Year N° 27 commenced January 1, 2024

Date of registration with the Public Registry of Commerce:

Of the By-laws: February 18, 1998

Of the last modification of the By-laws: January 03, 2023

Expiration date of the company: February 17, 2053

Controlling Company:

Corporate Name: Corporación América S.A.

Legal Address: Honduras 5673 - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Principal activity: Investments and financing

Participation of the Parent Company in common stock and total votes: 45,90%

Capital breakdown (Note 14)

Issued Common Shares of N/V $1 and 1 vote each:

Subscribed Paid-in
79,105,489 Class "A" Shares 79,105,489 79,105,489
79,105,489 Class "B" Shares 79,105,489 79,105,489
61,526,492 Class "C" Shares 61,526,492 61,526,492
38,779,829 Class "D" Shares 38,779,829 38,779,829
258,517,299 258,517,299


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the three and six month, periods ended at June 30, 2024 and 2023

Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Note Millions of $
Continuous Operations
Sales income 4 170,273 185,724 396,013 374,599
Construction income 33,737 42,835 67,935 70,981
Cost of service 5.1 (114,813 ) (108,797 ) (237,614 ) (216,898 )
Construction costs (33,686 ) (42,790 ) (67,822 ) (70,906 )
Income for gross profit for the period 55,511 76,972 158,512 157,776
Distribution and selling expenses 5.2 (10,614 ) (11,037 ) (23,608 ) (22,111 )
Administrative expenses 5.3 (8,007 ) (8,021 ) (16,979 ) (15,510 )
Other income and expenses, net 6.1 3,631 4,164 7,616 8,372
Operating profit for the period 40,521 62,078 125,541 128,527
Finance Income 6.2 (11,135 ) 4,138 (88,862 ) 6,346
Finance Costs 6.3 45,656 7,520 348,966 11,949
Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency (2,542 ) (10,386 ) (19,299 ) (13,918 )
Result of investments accounted for by the equity method (1 ) - (1 ) (4 )
Income before income tax 72,499 63,350 366,345 132,900
Income tax 6.4 (36,157 ) 5,793 (149,770 ) (27,336 )
Income for the period for continuous operations 36,342 69,143 216,575 105,564
Net Income for the period 36,342 69,143 216,575 105,564
Other comprehensive income - - - -
Comprehensive Income for the period 36,342 69,143 216,575 105,564
Income attributable to:
Shareholders 36,274 69,203 216,418 105,670
Non -Controlling Interest 68 (60 ) 157 (106 )
Income per share basic and diluted attributable to shareholders of the Company during the period (shown in $ per share) from continuous operations 140.3166 266.9614 836.1969 407.5830

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and should be read together with the Consolidated Accounting Statements audited for the year ended at December 31, 2023.


Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

At June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023

06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Note Millions of $
Non- Current Assets
Investments accounted for by the equity method 1 2
Property, plant and equipment 979 1,136
Intangible Assets 7 1,609,632 1,584,199
Rights of use 4,670 5,669
Assets for deferred tax - 1,922
Other receivables 9.1 28,569 33,082
Investments 9.3 50,986 77,857
Total Non-Current Assets 1,694,837 1,703,867
Current Assets
Other receivables 9.1 8,615 8,821
Trade receivables, net 9.2 59,672 81,316
Other assets 216 510
Investments 9.3 30,737 42,929
Cash and cash equivalents 9.4 102,859 131,642
Total Current Assets 202,099 265,218
Total Assets 1,896,936 1,969,085
Shareholders' Equity and Liabilities
Equity attributable to Shareholders
Common shares 259 259
Share Premium 137 137
Capital adjustment 114,432 114,432
Legal , facultative reserve and others 688,216 671,116
Retained earnings 216,418 17,011
Subtotal 1,019,462 802,955
Non-Controlling Interest 102 (55 )
Total Shareholders' Equity 1,019,564 802,900
Non-Current Liabilities
Provisions and other charges 11 9,015 12,487
Financial debts 8 506,037 907,478
Deferred income tax liabilities 204,475 55,839
Lease liabilities 2,953 6,429
Accounts payable and others 9.5 947 1,683
Total Non- Current Liabilities 723,427 983,916
Current Liabilities
Provisions and other charges 11 19,649 31,033
Financial debts 8 50,703 37,198
Current income tax liability, net of advances 25 -
Lease liabilities 2,427 3,865
Accounts payable and others 9.5 73,302 97,686
Fee payable to the Argentine National Government 10.1 7,839 12,487
Total Current Liabilities 153,945 182,269
Total Liabilities 877,372 1,166,185
Total Shareholder's Equity and Liabilities 1,896,936 1,969,085

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and should be read together with the Consolidated Accounting Statements audited for the year ended at December 31, 2023.


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity

At June 30, 2024 and 2023

Attributable to majority shareholders
of capital






Total Non-




Millions of $
Balance at 01.01.24 259 137 114,432 22,811 645,051 3,254 17,011 802,955 (55 ) 802,900
Assembly Resolution of April 24, 2024 - Constitution of reserves (note 15) - - - 105 16,906 - (17,011 ) - - -
Compensation plan - - - - - 89 - 89 - 89
Net Income for the period - - - - - - 216,418 216,418 157 216,575
Balance at 06.30.2024 259 137 114,432 22,916 661,957 3,343 216,418 1,019,462 102 1,019,564
Balance at 01.01.23 259 137 115,894 19,595 551,609 2,885 105,160 795,539 (183 ) 795,356
Assembly Resolution of April 26, 2023 - Constitution of reserves (note 15) - - - 3,506 101,654 - (105,160 ) - - -
Compensation plan - - - - - 258 - 258 - 258
Net Income for the period - - - - - - 105,670 105,670 (106 ) 105,564
Balance at 06.30.2023 259 137 115,894 23,101 653,263 3,143 105,670 901,467 (289 ) 901,178

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and should be read together with the Consolidated Accounting Statements audited for the year ended at December 31, 2023.


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow

For the six-month periods ended at June 30, 2024 and 2023

06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Note Millions of $
Cash Flows from operating activities
Net income for the period 216,575 105,564
Adjustment for:
Income tax 149,770 27,336
Amortization of intangible assets 7 42,502 41,033
Depreciation of property , plant and equipment 5 203 116
Depreciation right of use 5 1,001 1,726
Bad debts provision 5.2 1,612 1,609
Specific allocation of accrued and unpaid income 7,839 9,198
Result from investments accounted for using the equity method 1 -
Compensation plan 89 258
Accrued and unpaid financial debts interest costs 8 25,052 22,017
Accrued deferred revenues and additional consideration 11 (7,551 ) (5,591 )
Accrued and unpaid Exchange differences (274,108 ) (27,694 )
Litigations provision 11 402 527
Inflation Adjustment (44,572 ) (22,977 )
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Changes in trade receivables (16,319 ) (20,100 )
Changes in other receivables (14,015 ) (3,517 )
Changes in other assets 294 456
Changes in accounts payable and others 19,302 15,297
Changes in provisions and other charges 4,585 (15,768 )
Changes in specific allocation of income to be paid to the Argentine National State (6,905 ) (14,400 )
Increase of intangible assets 7 (67,935 ) (70,981 )
Income tax payment - (7 )
Net cash Flow generated by operating activities 37,822 44,102
Cash Flow for investing activities
Acquisition of investments (10,311 ) (16,172 )
Collection of investments 2,494 4
Fixed assets acquisitions (46 ) (105 )
Net Cash Flow applied to investing activities (7,863 ) (16,273 )
Cash Flow from financing activities
New Financial debts 8 - 7,415
Payment of leases (1,459 ) (1,450 )
Financial debts paid- principal 8 (34,521 ) (26,966 )
Financial debts paid- interests 8 (22,929 ) (25,530 )
Net Cash Flow applied to financing activities (58,909 ) (46,531 )
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (28,950 ) (18,702 )
Changes in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 131,642 146,047
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (28,950 ) (18,702 )
Inflation adjustment generated by cash and cash equivalents 36,081 27,739
Foreign Exchange differences by cash and cash equivalents (35,914 ) (7,822 )
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 102,859 147,262

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and should be read together with the Consolidated Accounting Statements audited for the year ended at December 31, 2023.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format


Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A. was incorporated in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in 1998, after the consortium of companies won the national and international bid for the concession rights for the use, management and operation of the "A" Group of the Argentine National Airport System. "A" Group includes 33 airports that operate in Argentina (the "Concession").

Currently, with the incorporation into Group A of the NSA of the airports of El Palomar (by Decree No. 1107/17) and Rio Hondo (by Resolution ORSNA No. 27/21 Decree), the Company has the concession rights for the operation, administration and operation of 35 airports.

The Concession was granted through the Concession Agreement entered into between the Argentine National State and the Company, dated February 9, 1998. The Concession Agreement was modified and supplemented by the Agreement of Adequacy of the Concession Contract signed between the Argentine National State and the Company, dated April 3, 2007 approved by Decree No. 1799/07 (hereinafter the Memorandum of Agreement) and by Decree No. 1009/20 dated December 16, 2020, which approves the 10-year extension of the initial completion period of the Concession (which operated on February 13, 2028) maintaining exclusivity under the terms established in the Technical Conditions for the Extension (hereinafter the Technical Conditions for the Extension).

Hereinafter, the Concession Agreement will be referred to, as modified and supplemented by the memorandum of Agreement and by the Technical Conditions for the Extension, as the Concession Agreement.

By virtue of the provisions of the Technical Conditions for the Extension, the concession completion period is February 13, 2038 and the exclusivity provided in clauses 3.11 and 4.1 of the Concession Agreement will be maintained with the following exceptions: (i) The zones of influence in the interior of the country are canceled, but not in the area of the Metropolitan Region of Buenos Aires (RMBA) made up of the Ezeiza, Aeroparque, San Fernando and Palomar airports (ii) the exclusivity in the areas of influence will be maintained throughout the national territory for the activity of fiscal warehouses (iii) the exclusivity and from the area of influence for the realization of new airport infrastructure projects in the Rio de la Plata promoted by the National Public Sector, when due to its characteristics it cannot be financed and operated by the Company.

In September 2021, based on the detrimental effects that the COVID-19 pandemic had on air traffic, the ORSNA approved the postponement to December 2022 of the following commitments:

(i) programming of funds for works and rescue of preferred shares $ 406.5 million and
(ii) regularization of the specific allocation of income owed for 2020.

The ORSNA deferred until June 2023 the adjustment necessary to balance the financial projection of income and expenses. On July 28, 2023, the ORSNA notified the issuance of Resolution RESFC-2023-56-APN-ORSNA#MTR by which it decided to approve the conditions and conclusions established in the Report prepared by the ECONOMIC and FINANCIAL REGULATION MANAGEMENT referring to the Review of the Financial Projection of Income and Expenses (PFIE) of the Concession of Group "A" of the National Airport System corresponding to the period 2019-2023, which provides that its conclusion will be carried out at the time of verifying the recovery of the international passenger traffic at values similar to 2019.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format(Contd.)


By virtue of this, the Company made a judicial presentation (AEROPUERTOS ARGENTINA 2000 SA C/ ORSNA - RES 56/23 S/PROCESO DE CONOCIMIENTO) within the framework of the agreements entered into in File 56.695/2019.

Within the framework of what was resolved by Resolution RESFC-2023-56-APN-ORSNA#MTR, and within the review process corresponding to the period 2018-2022, the ORSNA issued resolutions RESFC-2023-65-APN-ORSNA#MTR and RESFC-2023-66-APN-ORSNA#MTR. The Company filed an appeal for reconsideration against said resolutions and requested the suspension of their effects.

On November 27, 2023, ORSNA and the Company signed a Minute by which they agreed: (i) to suspend the ongoing procedural deadlines until June 30, 2024, (ii) that the Company must contract at its own expense a passenger traffic consulting study; (iii) postpone until May 30, 2024 the ordinary annual review of the PFIE of the Concession, corresponding to all periods until December 31, 2023. The Company complied with the terms agreed in the aforementioned Minutes and proved such compliance in the aforementioned legal case.

Due to the change in management of the national government and taking into account that the Board of Directors of ORSNA has not yet been integrated, the suspension for 20 business days of the deadlines opportunely established in the aforementioned legal case was agreed, having made a joint presentation on June 28, 2024. On July 3, 2024, the Company was notified of the Court's resolution that granted the requested suspension of the deadlines.

To date, the Company has fulfilled the commitments assumed.

Furthermore, under the terms of the concession contract, the National State has the right to rescue the Concession as of February 13, 2018. In the event that the National State decides to rescue the Concession, it must pay the Company compensation.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statement

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format(Contd.)


The Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements include the assets, liabilities and results of the following subsidiaries (hereafter the Group):

Subsidiaries (1) Number of
in capital and
possible votes
'equity at
Income for
the period
Book entry
value at
Millions of $
Servicios y Tecnología Aeroportuarios S.A. (2) 14,398,848 99.30 % 1,153 (1,936 ) 1,145
Cargo & Logistics S.A. (3) 1,614,687 98.63 % 1 (1 ) 1
Aero Assist Handling S.A.U. 100,000 100.00 % 57 57 57
Paoletti América S.A. (3) 6,000 50.00 % - - -
Texelrío S.A. 84,000 70.00 % 316 399 221
Villalonga Furlong S.A (3) (4) 56,852 1.46 % 3 - -
(1) Companies based in Argentina.
(2) Includes adjustments under IFRS for the preparation and presentation of the corresponding Financial Statements.
(3) Not consolidated due to low significance.
(4) The Company directly and indirectly owns 98.53% of the capital stock and votes of this entity.

The accounting policies of subsidiaries have been modified, where necessary, to ensure the uniformity with the Company policies.

The Company holds 99.3% of the shares of Servicios y Tecnología Aeroportuarios S.A. (Sertear), which purpose is to manage and develop activities related to duty-free zones, import and export operations, exploit and manage airport-related services, provide transportation services (both passenger and cargo), and warehouse usage services.

Cargo & Logistics S.A. owns 98.42% of the shares of Villalonga Furlong S.A. and the class "B" shares of Empresa de Cargas Aereas del Atlántico Sud S.A. (they represent 45% of its share capital), which is in liquidation. The remaining 55% of the shares (class "A") of Empresa de Cargas Aereas del Atlántico Sud S.A. is owned by the National State - Ministry of Defense. Air Cargo Company of Atlántico Sud S.A. that is in liquidation as of the date of presentation of these financial statements, being dissolved by application of the provisions of article 94, paragraph 2 of law 19,550.

The Company holds 50% of the capital stock and votes of Paoletti América S.A. Pursuant to shareholder agreements, AA2000 is in charge of the administration of Paoletti America S.A, and also appoints the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who, in accordance with the corporate by-laws, has a double vote in case of a tie voting.

The Company owns 70% of the capital and votes of Texelrio S.A., whose corporate purpose is, among others, to develop, operate and manage all kinds of services related to maintenance of parks and airports.

In addition, the Company owns 100% of the voting capital of Aero Assist Handling S.A.U., whose corporate purpose is, among others, to operate in foreign trade, provide cargo and passenger agent services and general sales agent for airline, maritime and land companies.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


These Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company are presented in millions of Argentine pesos, except for share data or when otherwise indicated. All amounts are rounded to millions of Argentine pesos unless otherwise indicated. As such, non-significant rounding differences may occur. A dash ("-") indicates that no data was reported for a specific line item in the relevant financial year or period or when the relevant information figure, after rounding, amounts to zero. The Company's Board of Directors approved them for issuance on August 7, 2024.

The CNV, through article 1 of Chapter III of Title IV of the CNV Standards (N.T. 2013 and mod.), has established the application of Technical Resolution No. 26 of the FACPCE (and its modifications), which adopt the standards of IFRS accounting (or IFRS for its acronym in English), issued by the IASB, for entities included in the public offering regime, either for their capital or for their negotiable obligations, or that have requested authorization to be included in the aforementioned regime.

Application of those standards is mandatory for the Company as from the fiscal year beginning on January 1 2012. Therefore, the transition date, as established in the IFRS 1 "First Time Adoption of the IFRS" was January 1, 2011.

These Consolidated Condensed Interim Financial Statements of AA2000 for the six-month period ended June 30, 2024 are presented based on the application of the guidelines established in IASB No. 34 "Intermediate Financial Information". Therefore, they must be read together with the Company's consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2023 prepared in accordance with IFRS, as issued by the IASB and IFRIC Interpretations. (IFRIC for its acronym in English).

1) Comparative Information

The information included in these financial statements was extracted from the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements of the Company as of June 30, 2023 and the Consolidated Financial Statements at December 31, 2023, timely approved by the Company's Board and Shareholders and restated at the closing currency at June 30, 2024, based on the application of IASB 29 (see Note 3.25 of the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements at December 31, 2023)


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


2) Controlled

An investor controls an entity when the group is exposed to, or has the rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. The subsidiaries are consolidated as from the date control is transferred to the Company. They are deconsolidated from the date that control ceases. (See Note 2).

Inter-company transactions, balances and unrealized gains or transactions between Group companies are eliminated. Unrealized losses are also eliminated. When necessary, amounts reported by subsidiaries have been adjusted to conform to the Group's accounting policies.

3) Segment Information

The Company is managed as a single unit, considering all airports as a whole. It does not evaluate the performance of the airports on a standalone basis. Therefore, for the purposes of segment information, there is only one business segment.

The Argentine National Government granted the Company the concession of the "A" Group airports of the NAS under the basis of "cross-subsidies": i.e., the income and funds generated by some of the airports should subsidize the liabilities and investments of the remaining airports, in order for all airports to be compliant with international standards as explained below.

All airports must comply with measures of operative efficiency that are independent from the revenues and funds they generate. All works performed must follow international standards established by the respective agencies (IATA, OACI, etc.).

Revenues of the Company comprise non-aeronautical revenues and aeronautical revenues; the latter being the tariffs determined by the ORSNA and regulated on the basis of the review of the Financial Projection of Income and Expenses in order to verify and preserve the "equilibrium" of the variables on which it was originally based.

The investment decisions are assessed and made with the ORSNA based on the master plans of the airports considering the needs of each airport based on expected passenger flow and air traffic, in the framework of the standards previously mentioned.

4) Accounting policies

The collection policies adopted for these interim financial statements are consistent with those used in the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2023.

5) Changes in accounting policies and disclosures

There were no changes in the Group's accounting policies based on the effective application standards issued by the IASB as of January 1, 2024.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


6) Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires the use of estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Group accounting policies.

In the preparation of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements the significant areas of judgement by management in the application of the Company's accounting policies and the main areas of assumptions and estimates are consistent to those applied in the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.

7) Foreign currency conversion and financial information in hyperinflationary economies

Functional and presentation currency

The figures included in these financial statements were measured using their functional currency, that is, the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates. The functional currency of the Company is the Argentine peso, which is the same as the presentation currency of the financial statements.

IAS 29 "Financial information in hyperinflationary economies" requires that the financial statements of an entity whose functional currency is that of a hyperinflationary economy be expressed in terms of the current unit of measurement at the reporting date of the reporting period, regardless of whether they are based on the historical cost method or the current cost method. For this, in general terms, inflation produced from the date of acquisition or from the revaluation date, as applicable, must be computed in the non-monetary items.

These requirements also correspond to the comparative information of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements.

In order to conclude on whether an economy is categorized as hyperinflationary under the terms of IAS 29, the standard details a series of factors to be considered, including the existence of a cumulative inflation rate in three years that approximates or exceed 100%. Taking into account that the accumulated inflation rate of the last three years exceeds 100% and the rest of the indicators do not contradict the conclusion that Argentina should be considered as a hyperinflationary economy for accounting purposes, the Company Management understands that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that Argentina is a hyperinflationary economy under the terms of IAS 29, as of July 1, 2018. It is for this reason that, in accordance with the NIC 29, these Consolidated Financial Statements are restated reflecting the effects of inflation in accordance with the provisions of the standard.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


7) Foreign currency conversion and financial information in hyperinflationary economies (Contd.)

Functional and presentation currency (contd.)

In turn, Law No. 27,468 (BO 04/12/2018) amended Article 10 of Law No. 23,928 and its amendments, establishing that the repeal of all legal norms or regulations that establish or authorize indexation by prices, monetary update, variation of costs or any other form of repowering of debts, taxes, prices or rates of goods, works or services, does not include financial statements, in respect of which the provisions of the article 62 in fine of the General Law of Companies No. 19,550 (TO 1984) and its amendments will be applied. Also, the aforementioned legal body ordered the repeal of Decree No. 1269/2002 of July 16, 2002 and its amendments and delegated to the National Executive Power (PEN), through its controlling entities, to establish the date from the which the provisions cited in relation to the financial statements presented will have effect. Therefore, through its General Resolution 777/2018 (BO 28/12/2018), the National Securities Commission (CNV) established that issuers subject to its control should apply to the annual financial statements, for interim and special periods, that close as of December 31, 2018 inclusive, the method of restating financial statements in a homogeneous currency as established by IAS 29.

In accordance with IAS 29, the financial statements of an entity reporting in the currency of a hyperinflationary economy must be reported in terms of the unit of measurement in effect at the date of the financial statements. All amounts in the statement of financial position that are not indicated in terms of the current unit of measurement as of the date of the financial statements should be updated by applying a general price index. All the components of the income statement should be indicated in terms of the unit of measure updated as of the date of the financial statements, applying the change in the general price index that has occurred since the date on which the income and expenses were originally recognized in the financial statements.

The adjustment for inflation in the initial balances was calculated considering the indexes established by the FACPCE based on the price indexes published by the INDEC. As of June 30, 2024, the price index amounted to 6,389.5498, with inflation for the six-month period of 80.8% and year-on-year of 273.7%.

Inflation adjustment

In an inflationary period, any entity that maintains an excess of monetary assets over monetary liabilities will lose purchasing power, and any entity that maintains an excess of monetary liabilities over monetary assets will gain purchasing power, provided that such items are not subject to a mechanism of adjustment.

Briefly, the re-expression mechanism of IAS 29 establishes that monetary assets and liabilities will not be restated since they are already expressed in the current unit of measurement at the end of the reporting period. Assets and liabilities subject to adjustments based on specific agreements will be adjusted in accordance with such agreements

The non-monetary items measured at their current values at the end of the reporting period, such as the net realization value or others, do not need to be re-expressed. The remaining non-monetary assets and liabilities will be re-expressed by a general price index. The loss or gain from the net monetary position will be included in the comprehensive net result of the reporting period, revealing this information in a separate line item.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


7) Foreign currency conversion and financial information in hyperinflationary economies (Contd.)

Inflation adjustment (Contd.)

The following is a summary of the methodology used for the preparation of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements:

- Non-monetary assets and liabilities: non-monetary assets and liabilities (property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, rights of use, deferred profits and additional allowances) updated by the adjustment coefficients corresponding to the date of acquisition or origin of each of them, as applicable. The income tax derived has been calculated based on the restated value of these assets and liabilities;
- Monetary assets and liabilities, and monetary position result: monetary assets and liabilities, including balances in foreign currency, by their nature, are presented in terms of purchasing power as of June 30, 2024. The financial result generated by the net monetary position reflects the loss or gain that is obtained by maintaining an active or passive net monetary position in an inflationary period, respectively and is exposed in the line of RECPAM in the Statement of Comprehensive Income;
- Equity: the net equity accounts are expressed in constant currency as of June 30, 2024, applying the corresponding adjustment coefficients at their dates of contribution or origin;
- Results: the items of the Individual Financial Statements have been restated based on the date on which they accrued or were incurred, with the exception of those associated with non-monetary items, which are presented as a function of the update of the non-monetary items to which they are associated, expressed in constant currency as of June 30, 2024, through the application of the relevant conversion factors.

The comparative figures have been adjusted for inflation following the same procedure explained in the preceding points.

In the initial application of the adjustment for inflation, the equity accounts were restated as follows:

- The capital was restated from the date of subscription or from the date of the last adjustment for accounting inflation, whichever happened later. The resulting amount was incorporated into the "Capital adjustment" account.
- The other result reserves were not restated in the initial application.

With respect to the evolution notes of non-monetary items for the year, the balance at the beginning includes the adjustment for inflation derived from expressing the initial balance to the currency of current purchasing power.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


7) Foreign currency conversion and financial information in hyperinflationary economies (Contd.)

Transactions and balances

Transactions in foreign currency are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the transaction dates (or valuation where items are re-measured).

Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at year-end of the assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are recognized in the statement of comprehensive income.

Foreign exchange gains and losses are disclosed in real terms and are shown in "Finance Income" and/or "Finance Expense" of the comprehensive statement of income.

The exchange rates used are: currency buyer rate for monetary assets, currency seller rate for monetary liabilities, each of them in effect at the end of the period according to BNA, and spot currency exchange rate for transactions in foreign currency.

8) Contingencies

The Company has contingent liabilities for legal claims related to the normal course of business. It is not expected that any significant liabilities other than those provisioned will arise from contingent liabilities.

9) Income tax and Deferred tax - Tax revalued - Tax inflation adjustment

The income tax income in the six-month period ended at June 30, 2024 was a loss of $149,770 million.

In order to determine the taxable net result at the end of this period, the adjustment for inflation determined in accordance with articles N ° 95 to N ° 98 of the income tax law was incorporated to the tax result, for $332,560 million, because as of June 30, 2024, the variation of the CPI for the period of 36 months at the end of fiscal year 2024 will exceed 100%.


Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Air station use rate 82,534 86,721 204,413 184,027
Landing fee 8,345 7,073 19,857 14,972
Parking fee 2,930 2,833 7,380 5,734
Total aeronautical income 93,809 96,627 231,650 204,733
Total non-aeronautical income 76,464 89,097 164,363 169,866
Total 170,273 185,724 396,013 374,599

As of June 30, 2024 and 2023, "over the time" income from contracts with customers for the six-month periods was $331,427 million and $307,590 million, respectively.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


5.1. Sales Cost

Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Specific allocation of income 24,833 27,360 58,178 55,288
Airport services and maintenance 27,672 22,236 48,943 41,964
Amortization of intangible assets 21,607 21,125 42,136 40,779
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 112 66 182 116
Salaries and social charges 30,088 29,978 66,697 61,177
Fee 2,581 222 3,690 466
Utilities and fees 3,496 3,518 7,543 7,503
Taxes 941 615 2,212 1,717
Office expenses 2,819 2,615 6,699 5,720
Insurance 170 194 333 442
Depreciation rights of use 494 868 1,001 1,726
Total 114,813 108,797 237,614 216,898

5.2. Distribution and marketing expenses

Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Amortization of intangible assets 2 3 4 6
Salaries and social charges 69 277 160 594
Fees 19 - 19 1
Utilities and fees 3 2 4 6
Taxes 8,481 9,705 20,097 19,382
Office expenses 13 6 24 8
Advertising 1,206 250 1,688 505
Provision for bad debts 821 794 1,612 1,609
Total 10,614 11,037 23,608 22,111


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


5.3. Administrative expenses

Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Airport services and maintenance 295 296 486 494
Amortization of intangible assets 183 125 362 248
Depreciation of PP&E 21 - 21 -
Salaries and social charges 3,761 4,169 8,705 8,111
Fees 726 757 1,669 1,348
Utilities and fees 4 10 4 24
Taxes 1,236 1,360 2,631 2,652
Office expenses 1,468 1,073 2,563 2,249
Insurance 109 102 208 184
Fees to the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee 204 129 330 200
Total 8,007 8,021 16,979 15,510


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


6.1 Other net incomes and expenses

Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Trust for Strengthening 4,139 4,560 9,696 9,213
Other (508 ) (396 ) (2,080 ) (841 )
Total 3,631 4,164 7,616 8,372

6.2 Finance Income

Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Interest 7,852 10,551 19,597 18,123
Foreign Exchange differences (18,987 ) (6,413 ) (108,459 ) (11,777 )
Total (11,135 ) 4,138 (88,862 ) 6,346

6.3 Financial Costs

Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Interest (12,356 ) (11,926 ) (27,089 ) (26,446 )
Foreign Exchange differences 58,012 19,446 376,055 38,395
Total 45,656 7,520 348,966 11,949

6.4 Income Tax

Three months at Six months at
06.30.2024 06.30.2023 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Current (7 ) (4 ) (25 ) -
Deferred (36,150 ) 5,797 (149,745 ) (27,336 )
Total (36,157 ) 5,793 (149,770 ) (27,336 )


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Note Millions of $
Original values:
Initial Balance 2,590,775 2,486,081
Acquisitions of the period 67,935 70,981
Balance at June 30 2,658,710 2,557,062
Accumulated Amortization:
Initial Balance (1,006,576 ) (934,215 )
Amortization of the period 5 (42,502 ) (41,033 )
Balance at June 30 (1,049,078 ) (975,248 )
Net balance at June 30 1,609,632 1,581,814


8.1 Changes in financial debt:

06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Initial Balance 944,676 726,362
New financial debts - 7,415
Financial debts paid (57,450 ) (52,496 )
Accrued interest 25,052 22,017
Foreign Exchange differences (361,187 ) (40,155 )
Inflation adjustment 5,649 4,522
Total Net Balance at June 30 556,740 667,665


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


8.2 Breakdown of financial debt

Non-current Financial Debts 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Millions of $
Bank borrowings 6,110 14,621
Negotiable Obligations 500,767 894,593
Cost of issuance of NO (840 ) (1,736 )
506,037 907,478
Current Financial Debts
Bank borrowings 7,439 14,854
Negotiable Obligations 43,511 22,706
Bank overdrafts - 90
Cost of issuance of NO (247 ) (452 )
50,703 37,198
556,740 944,676

As of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the fair value of the financial debt amounts to $544.643 and $915,535, respectively. Said valuation method is classified according to IFRS 13 as hierarchy of fair value Level 2 (unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities).

These Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements do not include all the information and disclosure on financial debt management required in the annual financial statements, so they must be read together with the audited Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2023.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


8.3 Negotiable Obligations

Class Start Maturity Interest Currency Initial
Capital in
U$S at
Capital in
U$S at
Guaranteed with Maturity in 2027 (1)(2) 02.2017 02.2027 6,875 % U$S 400.0 13.8 16.3
Class I Series 2020 (1)(2)(3) 04.2020 02.2027 6,875 % (5) U$S 306.0 49.6 58.7
Class I Series 2021 - Additional (1) (2) (3) 10.2021 08.2031 8,500 % U$S 272.9 272.9 272.9
Class IV (2) (3) 11.2021 11.2028 9,500 % U$S 62.0 62.0 62.0
Class V (3) 02.2022 02.2032 5,500 % U$S (6) 138.0 138.0 138.0
Class VI (3) 02.2022 02.2025 2,000 % U$S (6) 36.0 27.1 36.0
Class IX (3) 08.2022(4) 08.2026 0,000 % U$S (6) 32.7 23.4 32.7
Class X (3) 07.2023 07.2025 0,000 % U$S (6) 25.1 17.9 25.1

(1) These NOs are guaranteed in the first degree with the international and regional airport use rates and the rights to compensation of the concession, and in the second degree, with the income assigned from the cargo terminal.

(2) Corresponds to NOs issued under US legislation, from the state of New York.

(3) Issued under the Global Program for the issuance of Negotiable Obligations approved by the NSC on 04.12.2020.

(4) On 07/2023, an additional amount was issued for US$2.7 million, with the same conditions as the original issue.

(5) During the PIK Period (until 05.01.2021) the interest rate was 9.375% per year, period in which the amount of interest was capitalized quarterly. After said period, the interest rate of the NOs is applied.

(6) The reference NOs are denominated in United States Dollars but payable in Argentine Pesos at the BCRA Communication Reference "A" 3500 exchange rate.

The main covenants of the international NOs require compliance with certain financial ratios, as well as the restriction of incurring additional debt and limitations on the payment of dividends if any breach has occurred. As of June 30, 2024, the Company complies with financial covenants.

As of June 30, 2024 the Company hold its own NOs in their portfolio corresponding to Class VI, Class IX, and Class X for a total amount of U$S 25.3 million.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


8.4 Bank debt

Institution Start Maturity. N.A.R. Currency Initial
Capital at
06.30.2024 (2)
Capital at
12.31.2023 (2)
Provincia de Bs. As. (1) 04.2019 07.2024 7 % U$S 3.1 - 0.30
Renegotiation On Shore 11.2021 11.2024 8,500 % U$S 18.0 4.4 8.90
ICBC - Dubai Branch 07.2022 10.2025 SOFR+ 7,875 %(3) U$S 10.0 10.0 10.00
Citibank - Overdraft 03.2023 03.2024 76,000 % $ 1,186.0 - 1,186.0
Financing Importation 09.2023 01.2024 15,500 % U$S 0.5 - 0.5
Financing importation 09.2023 12.2024 15,500 % U$S 0.1 0.1 0.1

(1) The loan was granted in four tranches, all of them with the same conditions.

(2) Balances in the currency of origin of the financial instrument. In the case of Argentine pesos, the value is expressed in the homogeneous closing currency.

(3) Plus applicable tax withholdings.

Citibank - Overdraft

As of March, 2024, the overdraft lines that were taken in 2023 were cancelled.


9.1 Other receivables

9.1.1 Other non-current receivables 06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Note Millions of $
Trust for Strengthening 10.1 28,569 33,082
Total 28,569 33,082
9.1.2 Other current receivables 06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Note Millions of $
Expenses to be recovered 561 477
Guarantees granted - 2
Related parties 10.1 727 676
Tax credits 6,815 6,393
Prepaid Insurance 507 1,264
Others 5 9
Total 8,615 8,821

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


9.2 Trade receivables 06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Note Millions of $
Trade receivables 65,972 90,103
Related parties 10.1 865 658
Checks-postdated checks 242 1,738
Subtotal sales credits 67,079 92,499
Provision for bad debts (7,407 ) (11,183 )
Total 59,672 81,316
9.2.1 Changes in Bad Debt Provisions 06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Note Millions of $
Initial balance 11,183 13,537
Increases /Recoveries of the period 5.2 1,612 1,609
Foreign exchange difference (131 ) 2,610
Applications of the period (75 ) (602 )
Inflation adjustment (5,182 ) (5,247 )
Bad Debts provisions at June 30 7,407 11,907

9.3 Investments

9.3.1 Non-current investments 06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Note Millions of $
Negotiable obligations 47,850 72,831
Negotiable obligations of related companies 10.1 3,136 5,026
Total 50,986 77,857
9.3.2 Current investments 06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Note Millions of $
Other financial assets of related companies 10.1 13,800 21,604
Other financial assets 9,028 14,120
Negotiable Obligations 7,909 7,205
Total 30,737 42,929


9.4 Cash and cash equivalents 06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Nota Millions of $
Cash and funds in custody 75 315
Banks 13 56,627 97,017
Checks not yet deposited 262 380
Term deposits and others 45,895 33,930
Total 102,859 131,642

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)

9.5 Accounts payable and other

9.5.1 Accounts payable and other non-current 06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Millions of $
Suppliers 947 1,683
Total 947 1,683
9.5.2 Accounts payable and Other current 06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Nota Millions of $
Suppliers 38,065 51,071
Foreign suppliers 3,366 6,249
Related Parties 10.1 2,299 2,590
Salaries and social security liabilities 25,399 34,664
Other fiscal liabilities 4,173 3,112
Total 73,302 97,686


10.1 Balances with other related parties

Balances with other related companies at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are as follows:

06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Other receivables Millions of $
Other related companies 727 676
Total 727 676

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


10.1 Balances with other related parties (Contd.)

06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Trade receivables Millions of $
Other related companies 865 658
Total 865 658
30.06.2024 31.12.2023
Investments Millions of $
Other related companies - non-current 3,136 5,026
Other related companies - current (1) 13,800 21,604
Total 16,936 26,630

1) As of December 31, 2023, it includes a loan granted on June 9, 2023, which was renewed on December 6, 2023 and on June 3, 2024, to Compañía General de Combustibles S.A. for US$14.8 million and US$ 15,1 million with a T.N.A. of 4.5% and 6,0% respectively. The loan is due to be repaid on November 30, 2024, in a single payment of principal and interest at maturity

06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Accounts payable and other Millions of $
Other related companies 2,299 2,590
Total 2,299 2,590
06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Provisions and other charges Millions of $
Other related companies 45 -
Total 45 -

The balances with the Argentine National State as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are as follows:

06.30.2024 12.31.2023
Millions of $
Debt - Specific allocation of income 7,839 12,487
Credit - Strengthening Trust (1) 28,569 33,082

(1) To fund the investment commitments of the Company.

10.2 Operations with related parties

Transactions with related parties during the six-month periods ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:

With Proden S.A. for office rental and maintenance, the Company has allocated $1,910 million and $1,704 million to the cost, respectively.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


10.2 Operations with related parties (Contd.)

The Company has allocated to the cost $2,261 million and $2,056 million, respectively, with Grass Master S.A.U. for airport maintenance.

With Tratamientos Integrales América S.A.U for airport maintenance, the Company has allocated $991 million and $635 million to the cost, respectively.

The Company has allocated to the cost $636 million and 598 million, respectively, with Servicios Integrales América S.A. by out sourcing of systems and technology.

With Compañía de Infraestructura y Construcción S.A. for maintenance at airports, the Company has allocated $1,888 million and 2,414 million, respectively.

With Servicios Aéreos Sudamericanos S.A. for aeronautical services, the Company has allocated $813 million and $594 million to the cost, respectively.

The Company has recorded commercial income of $846 million and $934 million with Duty Paid S.A., respectively.

Furthermore, short-term compensation to key management was $935 million and $664 million for the six-month periods ended at June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Corporación America S.A. is the direct owner of 45.90% of the common shares of the Company, and an indirect owner through Corporación America Sudamericana S.A of 29.75% of the common shares of the Company, therefore is the immediate controlling entity of the Company.

Corporación America S.A. is controlled by Cedicor S.A., owner of 97.2186% of its capital stock. Cedicor is, in turn, the direct holder of 9.35% of the shares with voting rights of the Company. Cedicor S.A., is 100% controlled by American International Airports LLC, which is in turn 100% controlled by Corporación América Airports S.A.

The ultimate beneficiary of the Company is Southern Cone Foundation. Its purpose is to manage its assets through decisions adopted by its independent Board of Directors. The potential beneficiaries are members of the Eurnekian family and religious, charitable and educational institutions.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


At 01.01.24 Increases /
Decreases Inflation
Accruals Exchange
At 06.30.24 Total Non



Millions of $ Millions of $
Litigations 4,769 402 (367 ) (2,185 ) - 308 2,927 1,307 1,620
Deferred Income 25,458 4,544 - (8,356 ) (6,698 ) 1,073 16,021 2,895 13,126
Guarantees Received 3,272 4 - (1,368 ) - 104 2,012 - 2,012
Upfront fees from concessionaires 5,050 696 - - (853 ) - 4,893 3,158 1,735
Other related companies - 45 - - - - 45 - 45
Others 4,971 2 (93 ) (2,253 ) (247 ) 386 2,766 1,655 1,111
Total 43,520 5,693 (460 ) (14,162 ) (7,798 ) 1,871 28,664 9,015 19,649
At 01.01.23 Increases /
Decreases Inflation
Accruals Exchange
At 06.30.23 Total Non



Millions of $ Millions of $
Litigations 5,240 527 (867 ) (1,893 ) - 1,129 4,136 1,989 2,147
Deferred Income 17,177 3,214 - (3,539 ) (5,161 ) 3,098 14,789 3,580 11,209
Trust for works 10,839 8,346 (13,145 ) (3,110 ) 1,117 - 4,047 - 4,047
Guarantees Received 1,835 837 (426 ) (563 ) - 471 2,154 - 2,154
Upfront fees from concessionaires 4,335 127 - - (430 ) - 4,032 3,020 1,012
Others 8,421 7 (2,523 ) (2,805 ) 534 1,495 5,129 2,769 2,360
Total 47,847 13,058 (16,961 ) (11,910 ) (3,940 ) 6,193 34,287 11,358 22,929

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)



Foreign currency type

and amount at


Amount in
local currency
at 06.30.2024
Amount in
local currency
at 12.31.2023
Current Assets
Net trade receivables U$S 59 909.00 53,256 69,308
Investments U$S 34 909.00 30,736 29,452
Cash and cash equivalents U$S 61 909.00 55,348 96,417
Total current assets 139,340 195,177
Non-Current Assets
Investments U$S 56 909.00 50,986 77,857
Total Non-Current Assets 50,986 77,857
Total assets 190,326 273,034
Current Liabilities
Provisions and other charges U$S 2 912.00 1,963 3,065
Financial debts U$S 56 912.00 50,949 58,226
Lease liabilities U$S 3 912.00 2,397 3,843
Commercial accounts payable and others U$S 18 912.00 16,796 23,370
EUR 3 978.6672 2,607 4,141
Total current liabilities 74,712 92,645
Non-Current Liabilities
Provisions and other charges U$S 3 912.00 2,962 5,769
Financial debts U$S 556 912.00 506,877 909,216
Lease liabilities U$S 3 912.00 2,933 6,351
Commercial accounts payable and others U$S 1 912.00 947 1,685
Total non-current liabilities 513,719 923,021
Total liabilities 588,431 1,015,666
Net liability position 398,105 742,632


Other than what is mentioned in Note 1 and 6, other receivables in current assets at December 31, 2023 include $2 million corresponding to guarantees granted to third parties in connection with lease agreements. Likewise, as of June 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, under Cash and cash equivalents, there are balances in bank accounts specifically earmarked for the cancellation of Series 2021 and Class IV negotiable obligations for $5,448 million and $8,575 million, respectively.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format (Contd.)


At June 30, 2024 capital stock is as follows:

Par Value
Integrated and subscribed 258,517,299
Registered in the Public Registry 258,517,299

The Share Capital is made up of 258,517,299 ordinary shares with a par value of $1 each and one vote per share.


At the ordinary and special general meeting of classes A, B, C and D shares, held on April 26, 2023, it was resolved that the positive result of $40,638,030,971 that, after absorbing the accumulated losses of the previous year for the sum of ($22,199,777,489), amounted to $18,438,253,482, has the following destination:

(i) $614,780,045 to constitute the legal reserve, up to 20% of the capital stock plus the capital adjustment; and
(ii) the balance of $17,823,473,437 to establish an optional reserve for the execution of future works plans and to guarantee the payment of future dividends, if applicable.

At the ordinary and special general meeting of classes A, B, C and D shares, held on April 24, 2024, it was resolved that the positive result of $9,406,678,415 has the following destination:

(i) $58,044,335 to the constitution of the legal reserve, up to 20% of the share capital plus the capital adjustment: and
(ii) the balance of $9,348,634,080 to the constitution of an optional reserve for the execution of future works plans and to guarantee the payment of future dividends, if applicable


Relevant information for the calculation per share:

06.30.2024 06.30.2023
Income for the period (in millions of $) 216,575 105,564
Amount of ordinary shares (millions) 259 259
Earnings per shares ($ per share) 836.1969 407.5830


The Company's activity is exposed to various financial risks: market risk (including exchange rate risk, interest rate fair value risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk.

These Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements must be read in light of the economic context in which the Company operates, which was disclosed in the annual Consolidated Financial Statements in note 22.


Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative format(Contd.)

On June 28, 2024, Law 27,742, "Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines", was approved, promulgated on July 8, 2024 by Decree 592/2024. This law declares an administrative, economic, financial and energy emergency for one year, and grants the National Executive Branch special powers to manage it in terms of article 76 of the National Constitution. Among its main provisions are the State Reform, the RIGI, changes in labor legislation, hydrocarbon issues, open skies policy and tax benefits. The company is currently evaluating the impacts of said regulation.

The inflation for the first half of 2024 and the interannual inflation are indicated in note 3, the devaluation of the quarter was 6% and certain restrictions for access to the MULC remain in force.

The volatility and uncertainty continue at the date of issue of these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements, therefore the Company's Management permanently monitors the evolution of the variables that affect its businesses, to identify the potential impacts on its assets and financial situation and define the necessary courses of action.

These Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements do not include all the information and disclosure on financial risk management required in the annual financial statements, and should therefore be read in conjunction with the audited Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2023.


There are no events and/or transactions that could significantly affect the equity and financial situation of the Company after the end of the period.


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

Presentation base

The information contained in this Summary Report has been prepared in accordance with article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the NSC Regulations (N.T. 2013 and mod.) and must be read together with the Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements as of June 30, 2024 presented in a comparative manner, prepared in accordance with IFRS standards.

In compliance with the provisions of the CNV regulations, the values corresponding to the interim periods of this informative review are expressed in constant currency at June 30, 2024, in accordance with International Accounting Standard N ° 29 "Financial information in hyperinflationary economies". For more information, see Note 3.7 to the Consolidated Condensed Interim Financial Statements at June 30, 2024.

1. General considerations

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Through article No. 1 of chapter III of title IV of the NSC Standards (NT 2013 and mod.) the application of Technical Resolution No. 26 of the FACPCE (and its modifications) has been established, which adopts the IFRS issued by the IASB, its modifications and the adoption circulars established by the FACPCE, for entities issuing shares and/or negotiable obligations. The application of such standards is mandatory for the Company as of the fiscal year beginning on January 1, 2012.


The Company's revenues are highly influenced by the seasonality of air traffic in Argentina. The traffic of planes and passengers and, consequently, the income of the Company are higher during the summer and winter months (December - February and July - August), because they are holiday periods.

During the year 2024, projects and works have been carried out at the different concessioned airports.

Ezeiza International Airport

The work is in progress:

- Beacon ring and main electrical substation;
- New Feeders 9 and 10 at 13.2 KV

Jorge Newbery Airport

In execution works of:

- External works - sidewalks - landscaping - coastal filling and underground parking;
- Expansion of the South Platform - Stage 2.
- Expansion of the North Platform; and
- Remodeling of the Inspection and Requisition Point (PIR).

The remodeling work of the new Inspection and Search Point (PIR) has been contracted, with a scheduled start in April.

1. General considerations (Contd.)

Rio Hondo Airport

The following works are in execution:

- Maintenance Infrastructure and Support Services; and


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

- Expansion and Remodeling of the Passenger Terminal.

Santa Rosa Airport

The remodeling and expansion works of the passenger terminal are underway.

San Rafael Airport

In execution works of:

- Maintenance Infrastructure and Support Services
- New Passenger Terminal.

Comodoro Rivadavia Airport

The New Beaconing work is in the process of being terminated due to lack of reactivation, after the stoppage due to the pandemic.

Iguazú Airport

The following works are in execution:

- Dumping points - Aircraft sanitary effluent treatment;

- Sewage Effluent Treatment Plant; and

- Maintenance Infrastructure and Support Services

San Juan Airport

The remodeling work of the passenger terminal is in execution.

La Rioja Airport

The works of the New Passenger Terminal have been terminated due to non-compliance by the supplier.

This stoppage has led to the consensual termination of the New Parking works.

The new tender to complete the works of the New Passenger Terminal and Parking is in the process of being studied by the bidders.

1. General considerations (Contd.)

Puerto Madryn Airport

The following works have been carried out and completed:

- Rehabilitation of the runway and taxiway


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

Resistencia Airport

The works are in progress:

- Electrical Power Supply to the Control Tower;

- Comprehensive remodeling of the passenger terminal

Formosa Airport

Work on the New passenger terminal is underway.

Salta Airport

The renovation and expansion work of the passenger terminal is underway.

2. Equity structure

In order to appreciate the evolution of the Company's activities, the comparative consolidated equity structure of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements at June 30, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020, is presented.

06.30.24 06.30.23 06.30.22 06.30.21 06.30.20
Millions of $
Current Asset 202,099 225,327 281,440 141,125 170,293
Non-current Assets 1,694,837 1,629,339 1,565,571 1,606,384 1,664,998
Total Assets 1,896,936 1,854,666 1,847,011 1,747,509 1,835,291
Current liabilities 153,945 173,772 270,930 374,789 282,983
Non- Current Liabilities 723,427 779,714 848,785 644,785 701,456
Total Liabilities 877,372 953,486 1,119,715 1,019,574 984,439
Net equity attributable to majority shareholders 1,019,462 901,468 727,281 727,924 850,209
Non-controlling interest 102 -288 15 11 643
Net Equity 1,019,564 901,180 727,296 727,935 850,852
Total 1,896,936 1,854,666 1,847,011 1,747,509 1,835,291


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

3. Results structure

The following is a summary of the evolution of the consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the six-month periods ended at June 30, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020.

06.30.24 06.30.23 06.30.22 06.30.21 06.30.20
Millions of $
Gross Profit 158,512 157,776 110,007 11,332 11,773
Administrative and distribution and marketing expenses (40,587 ) (37,621 ) (21,165 ) (18,837 ) (30,045 )
Other net income and expenses 7,616 8,372 6,940 (7,116 ) 5,916
Operating profit 125,541 128,527 95,782 (14,621 ) (12,356 )
Income and financial costs 260,104 18,295 34,743 36,346 (47,043 )
Result by exposure to changes in the acquisition power of currency (19,299 ) (13,918 ) 16,861 (4,989 ) (7,242 )
Income for related parties (1 ) (4 ) (19 ) - -
Income before tax 366,345 132,900 147,367 16,736 (66,641 )
Income tax (149,770 ) (27,336 ) 16,732 (36,006 ) 48,583
Result of the period 216,575 105,564 164,099 (19,270 ) (18,058 )
Other comprehensive incomes - - - - -
Comprehensive income for the period 216,575 105,564 164,099 (19,270 ) (18,058 )
Result attributable to majority shareholders 216,418 105,670 164,099 (19,270 ) (18,022 )
Non-controlling interest 157 (106 ) - - (36 )

4. Cash flow structure

06.30.24 06.30.23 06.30.22 06.30.21 06.30.20
Millions of $
Cash Flow generated by operating activities 37,822 44,102 27,078 17,372 37,019
Cash Flow (used in) / generated by investing activities (7,863 ) (16,273 ) (43,780 ) 2,997 1,506
Cash Flow (used in) financing activities (58,909 ) (46,531 ) (5,004 ) (53,385 ) (38,951 )
Net Cash Flow (used in) the period (28,950 ) (18,702 ) (21,706 ) (33,016 ) (426 )


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

5. Analysis of operations for the six-month periods ended at June 30, 2024 and 2023

5.1 Results of operations


The following table shows the composition of consolidated revenues for the six-month periods ended at June 30, 2024 and 2023:

06.30.2024 % 06.30.2023 %
Revenues Millions of $ Revenues Millions of $ Revenues
Aeronautical revenues 231,650 58.50 % 204,733 54.65 %
Non-aeronautical revenues 164,363 41.50 % 169,866 45.35 %
Total 396,013 100.00 % 374,599 100.00 %

The following table shows the composition of the aeronautical revenues for the six-month periods ended at June 30, 2024 and 2023:

06.30.2024 % 06.30.2024 %
Aeronautical revenues Millions of $ Revenues Millions of $ Revenues
Landing fee 19,857 8.57 % 14,972 7.31 %
Parking fee 7,380 3.19 % 5,734 2.80 %
Air station use rate 204,413 88.24 % 184,027 89.89 %
Total 231,650 100.00 % 204,733 100.00 %


The cost of sales had the following variation:

Millions of $
Costs of sales for the period ended at 06.30.2024 237,614
Costs of sales for the period ended at 06.30.2023 216,898
Variation 20,716

Distribution and marketing expenses

The distribution and marketing expenses had the following variation:

Millions of $
Distribution and commercial expenses for the period ended 06.30.2024 23,608
Distribution and commercial expenses for the period ended at 06.30.2023 22,111
Variation 1,497


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

5. Analysis of operations for the six- month periods ended at June 30, 2024 and 2023 (Contd.)

5.1 Results of operations (Contd.)

Administrative Expenses

The administrative expenses had the following variation:

Millions of $
Administrative expenses for the period ended at 06.30.2024 16,979
Administrative expenses for the period ended at 06.30.2023 15,510
Variation 1,469

Income and financial costs

Net financial income and costs totaled profits of $260,104 million during the six-month period ended at June 30, 2024 with respect to $18,295 million revenue during the same period of the previous year.

The variation is mainly due to losses arising from exposure to foreign currency.

Other incomes and expenditures

The other net income and expenses item recorded a gain of approximately $7,616 million during the six-month period ended June 30, 2024 compared to a gain of $8,372 million in the same period of the previous year.

5.2 Liquidity and Capital Resources


The total capitalization of the Group as of June 30, 2024 amounted to $1,576,305 million, composed of $556,740 million of financial debt and equity of $1,019,565 million, while the total capitalization of the Group as of June 30, 2023 amounted to $1,568,843 million, composed of $667,665 million of financial debt and equity of $901,178 million.

Debt as a percentage of total capitalization amounted to approximately 35.32% as of June 30, 2024 and 42.56% as of June 30, 2023.


See in detail Note 8 to these Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements.


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

6. Index

The information refers to the periods ended at June 30, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020:

06.30.24 06.30.23 06.30.22 06.30.21 06.30.20
Liquidity (1) 1.453 1.395 1.153 0.478 0.570
Solvency (1) 1.190 0.964 0.449 0.693 0.898
Immobilization of capital 0.893 0.879 0.766 0.895 0.904
Cost effectiveness 0.238 0.124 0.222 (0.026 ) (0.021 )

(1) Current liabilities and non-current liabilities do not include deferred profits or additional consideration for concessionaries.

7. Statistical data


The information detailed below is based on extra-budgetary statistics compiled by the Company. Number of passengers (in thousands) for the six-month periods ended at June 30, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020:

06.30.24 06.30.23 06.30.22 06.30.21 06.30.20
Airport Thousands of passengers
Aeroparque 7,010 7,478 5,714 820 2,292
Ezeiza 5,479 5,045 3,098 1,840 2,878
Córdoba 1,393 1,386 963 234 697
Mendoza 1,086 1,131 754 220 431
Bariloche 994 1,050 890 377 433
Iguazú 675 757 513 101 352
Salta 614 722 565 169 325
Tucumán 347 419 320 104 178
Jujuy 267 297 213 66 81
C. Rivadavia 250 270 191 63 123
Total 18,115 18,555 13,221 3,994 7,790
Overall total 19,252 19,817 14,275 4,308 8,802
Variation -2.9 % 38.8 % 231.4 % -51.1 % -57.1 %


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

7. Statistical data (Contd.)

Movement of aircraft

Amount of movement of aircraft for the six-month periods ended at June 30, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020 of the ten airports that represent more than 80% of the total movements of the airport system:

Airport 06.30.24 06.30.23 06.30.22 06.30.21 06.30.20
Aeroparque 58,316 61,894 46,777 10,057 22,100
Ezeiza 36,595 34,218 22,189 19,416 22,245
San Fernando 25,874 30,393 29,456 21,653 11,749
Córdoba 12,886 13,427 9,841 3,790 6,638
Mendoza 10,050 10,517 7,299 3,000 4,622
Salta 8,175 7,854 5,480 2,298 3,280
Bariloche 7,427 8,066 6,838 3,951 3,435
Iguazú 5,160 5,666 4,092 1,282 3,359
San Rafael 4,414 2,178 2,481 2,005 1,302
Mar del Plata 4,245 3,954 3,156 1,949 2,180
Tucumán 3,289 3,957 2,794 1,441 1,682
Total 176,431 182,124 140,403 70,842 82,592
Overall Total 206,909 214,954 168,679 89,233 101,679
Variations -3.7 % 27.4 % 89.0 % -12.2 % -52.1 %


Summary Report required by article 4 of Chapter III of Title IV of the

Rules of the National Securities Commission (N.T. 2013 and mod.)

At June 30, 2024 presented in comparative form

Outlook for 2024

The second quarter of this year showed continued growth in passengers in the international segment, which grew by 9% compared to the previous year, reflecting a recovery level of 91% compared to 2019. In the domestic segment, however, there have been indicators of deterioration in the level of traffic due to the macroeconomic context, and it was 20% below the same period last year, although 10% below 2019.

For the remainder of 2024, we expect that the volume of international passengers, our main revenue-generating segment, will continue to recover, although we see that in the domestic segment economic conditions will continue to have an impact, with positive recovery trends as the context improves.

At the same time, the Company's operating costs were impacted by the macroeconomic conditions of the first part of the year, which affected the cost structure mainly in local currency. We have taken action and continue to monitor this cost level in order to find efficiencies that allow us to protect the margin in this context.

Beyond the current conditions, we remain committed to the execution of the Capex program established in our contractual framework. We have made progress in the development and execution of infrastructure works, having reached the milestone of execution of the entire phase I during this second quarter of 2024. Having surpassed this threshold, we continue with the execution of phase II, and we expect to complete the amount corresponding to 2024 in December. The works in progress cover both airports in the Buenos Aires area and several airports in the interior of the country, resulting in a program of improvements and modernization of airport infrastructure that continues to be deployed with a federal perspective.


"Free translation from the original in Spanish for publication in Argentina"


To the Shareholders, Chairman and Directors of

Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A.

Legal address: Honduras 5663

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Tax Code: 30-69617058-0

Report on the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


We have reviewed the attached condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter "the Company"), which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of June 30, 2024, the consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the periods of three and six months ended June 30, 2024, changes in equity and cash flows for six-month period ended June 30, 2024 and selected explanatory notes.

Board Responsibility

The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the IFRS accounting standards and therefore responsible for the preparation and presentation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements. mentioned in the first paragraph in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" (IAS 34).

Scope of review

Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on these condensed consolidated interim financial statements based on the review we have performed, which was performed in accordance with the International Standard for Review Engagements NIER 2410 "Review of interim financial information developed by the entity's independent auditor", which was adopted as a review standard in Argentina through Technique Resolution FACPCE No. 33 as approved by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). A review of condensed consolidated interim financial statements consists of making inquiries primarily of personnel responsible for financial and accounting matters and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially narrower in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not allow us to be confident that we have identified all significant matters that might be noted in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that would cause us to believe that the condensed consolidated interim financial statements mentioned in the first paragraph of this report are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34.

Price Waterhouse & Co. S.R.L., Bouchard 557, 8th floor, C1106ABG - City of Buenos Aires

T: +(54.11) 4850.0000,

"Free translation from the original in Spanish for publication in Argentina"

Report on the compliance with current regulations

In compliance with current provisions, we report, with respect to Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A., that:

a) the condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A. are pending to be recorded in the book Inventory and Balance Sheets;
b) the separate condensed interim financial statements arise from accounting records kept in their formal aspects in accordance with legal regulations, except for their lack of transcription in the book Inventory and Balance Sheets;
c) we have read the informative review, on which, in what is a matter of our competence, we have no observations to formulate;
d) As of June 30, 2024, the debt accrued in favor of the Integrated Argentine Social Security System of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A. that arises from the Company's accounting records amounted to $3,630,914,584, not being payable as of that date.

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, August 7, 2024.

by (Partner)
Juan Manuel Gallego Tinto



To the shareholders of


In accordance with the requirements of the Article 294 Subsection 5º of Act No. 19,550 and the Article 63 Subsection b) of the BYMA Regulations (Argentine Stock and Market), we have conducted the review described in the third paragraph regarding the consolidated interim financial statements of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A. (the "Company") and its subsidiaries, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of June 30, 2024, the consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the periods of three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, changes in equity and cash flows for six-month period ended June 30, 2024 and selected explanatory notes.

The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for the preparation and issuance of said financial statements, in exercise of its specific functions.

Our review was conducted in accordance with the supervisory existing standards. These standards require the verification of the consistency of the revised documents with the information on the corporate decisions established in minutes and the adequacy of those decisions to the law and the by-laws regarding its formal and documentary aspects.

In order to carry out our professional work, we have taken into account the limited review report of the external auditor, Juan Manuel Gallego Tinto (partner of Price Waterhouse & Co. SRL), dated August 7, 2024, who states that it has been issued in accordance with the International Standards for Review Engagements NIER 2410 "Review of interim financial information developed by the entity's independent auditor", which were adopted as review standards in Argentina by Technical Pronouncement No. 33 of the Argentine Federation of Professional Councils in Economic Sciences (FACPCE) as approved by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

As stated in the section "Board Responsibility" of the external auditor's report, the Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the abovementioned financial statements, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), adopted as Argentine professional accounting standards by the FACPCE and incorporated into the regulations of the National Securities Commission (CNV), as approved by the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB). The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for the preparation and issuance of said financial statements, according to the International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" (IAS 34).

We have not carried out any management control and, therefore, we have not evaluated the criteria and business decisions of administration, financing, marketing, or production, since these issues are the sole responsibility of the Board of Directors.

Based on our review, with the scope described above, we hereby inform that the condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A. as of June 30, 2024 consider all significant events and circumstances that are known to us, they arise from the accounting records kept in their formal aspects in accordance with legal regulations, except for the fact that they are pending to be copied in the "Inventories and Balance Sheets" book; and regarding said documents we have no other observations to make.

In exercise of our legal supervision duties, during the period under review, we performed the procedures set forth in Article 294 of Act No. 19,550 that we consider necessary in accordance with the circumstances, and in this respect, we have no observations to make.

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, August 7, 2024.

Patricio A. Martin

By Surveillance Committee