Getinge AB

08/25/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/25/2023 01:08

Full research flexibility in Cambridge with software offered by Getinge

Full research flexibility in Cambridge with software offered by Getinge

News | 8/25/2023

The Lucullus Process Information Management System (PIMS) offered by Getinge enables labs using bioreactors to manage all data in one place - and Matthew Duke, Senior Scientist at Isomerase in the United Kingdom, has positive experiences of the software's ease-of-use and flexibility when it comes to scaling up across bioreactor types and sizes.

"After using Lucullus for three years, we still haven't found something we haven't been able to do. Everything we wanted to try has been possible," Matthew explains in the recent webinar 'Scale up with Lucullus PIMS - A customer experience by Isomerase'.

Isomerase supports partners in a wide range of sectors with all aspects of microbial product and process discovery and development. The company's new biopilot laboratory, which is located near Cambridge, uses Lucullus PIMS to manage their 3-liter and 7-liter Getinge Applikon bioreactors as well as larger bioreactors from other manufacturers.

"We want to be able to tackle more or less any challenge with short notice, and Lucullus has all the features we need to become as flexible and quick as our clients expect," Matthew says.

Lucullus is designed to offer users a single integrated software solution for the entire bioprocess workflow, from idea and recipe to report and evaluation.

"Programming can be challenging, but this is not the case with Lucullus. Thanks to the excellent training, you can hit the ground running. The easy-to-use recipe writing, using flow diagrams and drop-down menus, is very straightforward. You don't need to be fluent in programming languages, not even when working with more complex recipes," Matthew says.

"Lucullus' finer controls allow for more robust and better controlled processes, and programs can be transferred from our bench size bioreactors to the larger versions with minimum alteration," he continues.

As an example of the wide possibilities, Isomerase is even using Lucullus to manage a 20-year-old bioreactor, which previously required three employees to cover the necessary 24-hour manual surveillance.

"Now, with Lucullus in control, remote monitoring and intervention is so simple that issues can be fixed with a click from home rather than a drive in. This is a good description of what the software is capable of, and we also appreciate the great deal of service and support available from Getinge when needed," Matthew concludes.

Bioprocessing is part of Getinge's life science solutions, which helps to drive discovery of products enhancing the quality of lives.

"Scientists can get really creative, and to go along with the flexibility that they need to implement their ideas, Lucullus PIMS is a great tool, where all data collection and analysis can be done via a single channel. It converts ideas into knowledge, which is what our end users are looking for," says Astrid Aguilar Fajardo, Product Manager, Bioprocessing for Life Science section at Getinge.

Learn more about Lucullus PIMS >>

Watch the entire webinar 'Scale up with Lucullus PIMS - A customer experience by Isomerase'>>
