12/04/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 12/04/2024 11:52
Now more than ever, headphones have become a solution to help people hear during meetings or calls just as much as they are great for cancelling out background noise.
"Headphones have become a key part of our lives," says Nicole Velander, AuD, an audiologist at Henry Ford Health. "By themselves, earbuds and headphones aren't dangerous to hearing. But just like most things, they can be used incorrectly and that's when they can potentially cause damage."
You already know that cranking the volume on your favorite playlist can be damaging to your hearing. What's equally concerning is increasing the volume on your headphones to drown out the sounds around you. So, for example, if your child is taking a drum lesson while you're on a Zoom call, you might turn up the volume on your headphones.
"Perceptually, whatever you're listening to may not seem that loud," Velander says. "But if you step back and take a look at the actual level in decibels, which is how we measure loudness, you might be surprised."
In addition, that sound output is directly in your ear canal. What ultimately causes irreversible damage is listening too loudly and for too long.
There are a number of things you can do to ensure your listening habits are appropriate, not dangerous, and prevent hearing loss:
According to Velander, for Zoom calls and online learning, most people use headphones correctly and at safe levels. But if you notice muffled hearing or a ringing in your ears directly following a listening experience, you're probably listening too loud.
"In a few hours or days your hearing will probably return to normal, but with repeated exposures, decreased hearing acuity can become permanent, resulting in irreversible damage," Velander says.
Concerned you may have damaged your hearing? Schedule a hearing exam with your audiologist.
Reviewed by Dr. Nicole Velander, an audiologist who sees patients at Henry Ford Wyandotte - Templin and Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital Clinics.