European Commission - Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

02/04/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/04/2025 09:54

European Maritime Transport Environmental Report 2025 highlights progress made in sustainable maritime transport but challenges still persist

Today, the second edition of the European Maritime Transport Environmental Report was released, providing a comprehensive overview of the environmental impact of Europe's maritime sector within the EU, as well as an assessment of practices to make it more sustainable. According to the report, the sector is making progress towards greater sustainability but will need to increase its efforts over the coming years to play its part in meeting 2030 EU climate and environment goals and achieving a climate neutral EU by 2050.

The report calls for continued action and increased innovation within the sector. Key tools to achieve sustainable maritime transport in Europe are the FuelEU Maritime Regulation , which incentivises the uptake of low carbon fuels in shipping, and the extension of the EU Emissions Trading System to maritime transport, which sets a carbon price on greenhouse gas emissions from ships. Moreover, global coordination, led by the International Maritime Organisation, will also be crucial for driving progress towards a more sustainable maritime transport future.

Maritime transport plays a crucial role in sustaining trade, economic growth, connectivity, and accessibility, while also contributing to energy security and job creation. However, the sector's growing demand comes with additional environmental implications, including contributing 3-4% of the EU's CO₂ emissions and harming the marine ecosystems through pollution from oil spills and wastewater discharge, as well as underwater noise. Although estimates suggest marine litter from fisheries and shipping, have decreased by half over the past decade, it remains a serious challenge to address, in particular plastic pellets losses.

Commending the report, Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, stated: "The new European Maritime Transport Environmental Report is a valuable guide for the future of European shipping, one that is both sustainable, competitive and resilient. This report is also a call to action. By working together, we can ensure that maritime transport remains a key player in our global economy, while minimising its environmental impact and safeguarding our oceans for future generations."

Commissioner for Environment, Water Resilience and a Competitive Circular Economy, Jessika Roswall added: "We need a 'source to sea' approach as activities at sea are closely linked to those on land. Now is the time for transformative change in maritime and water sectors so we can make Europe water-resilient".

The report is jointly prepared by the European Maritime Safety Agency and the European Environment Agency, with support from the Commission.

You can find more information in the joint press release.


Publication date
4 February 2025
AuthorDirectorate-General for Mobility and Transport