Nancy Mace

01/27/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/27/2023 13:49


Amendment offered by Rep. Mace fulfills promise to prohibit offshore drilling off of SC coast until 2032

Washington, D.C.- Today, South Carolina can celebrate the passage of an amendment offered by Congresswoman Nancy Mace prohibiting offshore drilling in the South Atlantic Planning area. This amendment, which passed with overwhelming support of both sides of the aisle, will protect the state's coast and its valuable tourism industry from the negative impacts of offshore drilling. The amendment was offered to HR 21 [title of the bill]. Rep. Mace released the following statement:

"This amendment is a victory for the state of South Carolina , and all those who have long advocated for protecting our coast from the dangers of offshore drilling,"said Rep. Mace. "It is also a win for our local community coming who relies on the tourism industry; it's a win for the environment and for future generations who will benefit from the preservation of these priceless resources."



Congresswoman Nancy Mace represents SC-01. She grew up in the Lowcountry. Before being sworn into Congress, Nancy earned accolades as one of the most fiscally conservative members of the South Carolina General Assembly; she's also one of the most pro-conservation lawmakers in South Carolina. Nancy is the recipient of the 2019 Taxpayer Hero Award from the South Carolina Club for Growth; she has a 100% record of voting to lower taxes. Nancy also has a 100 percent rating with Conservation Voters of South Carolina.