City of Victoria

06/11/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/11/2021 10:58

Have Your Say: Designs for Topaz Skate and Bike Parks

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June 11, 2021

Proposed designs for a new skateboard park and bike skills park in Victoria's Topaz Park are now available for public feedback. The community is invited to learn more about the project and share feedback on the proposed designs through an online survey by June 25 at

'Victoria is an active all-wheels city and these skate and bike parks are hotly anticipated additions to Topaz Park,' said Mayor Lisa Helps. 'If you're planning on getting out to enjoy these new amenities, this is a great opportunity to have your voice heard and help make them the best they can be.'

This project is part of the first phase of renovations to Topaz Park that are guided by the Topaz Park Improvement Plan, which was adopted by Council in 2018 following a year of public engagement with the community.

'This project will deliver a world-class skate and bike experience to this neighbourhood,' said Hillside-Quadra neighbourhood liaison, Councillor Ben Isitt. 'Topaz Park will become a destination for local riders of all levels and for riders throughout the region.'

The proposed designs have been developed through targeted engagement with local experts and enthusiasts.

'The project team is working closely with an advisory committee of local skate and bike community leaders to help make important decisions about skill level, features and terrain,' said Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities, Thomas Soulliere.

The project is being led by New Line Skateparks and includes a core team comprised of landscape architects, engineers, arborists, community outreach specialists, and construction professionals who are also high-level skateboarders and BMX/mountain biking enthusiasts. The team also includes gender equity, accessibility, and youth programming experts to ensure the new skate and bike parks meet the wide-ranging needs of the community.

Council approved the skate and bike park projects in January 2020. The 3,000 square metre skate park and 6,000 square metre bike park will provide a fun and challenging riding experience for all skill levels. The City is investing nearly $8 million to construct the skate and bike parks and replace the artificial turf sport field in Topaz Park as part of the long-term renewal plan for the park.

Construction on the skate and bike parks is expected to begin in fall 2021 and be complete in summer 2022.

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