Ceské vysoké ucení technické v Praze

07/28/2023 | News release | Archived content

Fourteenth annual Lion’s Den camp under the sign of Cowboys and Carcassonne

At the beginning of the day there is a lecture for the campers on selected topics in the fields of mathematics, physics, biology, logic and informatics. The next part of the programme is sport, in which each of the participants can try a range of traditional and non-traditional games, for example lacrosse and ringo. The afternoons are dedicated to various games, which may involve running or intellectual activities, or may promote teamwork. In the evenings, of course, there are traditional camp fires and dance evenings.

During the camp, time is also set aside for team projects. This year, four teams competed at Caracassonne (the tile placement board game). The entire camp took place in the spirit of the wild west and of just, honourable cowboys. Visitors from the CTU rectorate brought rain with them, and found the young people indoors with their computers. In general, however, the weather was favourable this year.

Photos of each day can be seen on the Lion's Den fcb profile.

The 15th annual Lion's Den competition by correspondence will be announced in September. For further information about the competition and the camp, click here.