Highland Council

05/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/24/2024 03:37

What’s next for Whin Park? Council asking public to vote on playpark design

Highland Council has two possible designs for the upgrade to the popular Whin Park in Inverness and is asking the public to help influence the choice of the final design by choosing their favourite.

Whin Park is an established and well-used play park that has been enjoyed by generations of families and the current project to refurbish the park aims to ensure that families can continue to enjoy the social and wellbeing benefits it provides.

With two designs now in mind the Council wants to hear from as many adults, youths, and children who use the park to vote for their favourite.

Users can vote for their favourite design by visiting the following link - www.bit.ly/whinparkdesign.

Chair of Highland Council's Communities and Place Committee, Cllr Graham MacKenzie, said: "The Council's vision is to provide a high-quality play offering for children and young people in Inverness and beyond that serves the needs of all young people, regardless of ability and age.

"The vision for Whin Park complements the aims of the Council's 'Our Future Highland' Programme and in particular the commitments to work together to improve quality of life and opportunities for Highland people.

"The approach to the redesign of the park, and in particular the elements of inclusivity and consultation is underpinned by the Council's Playpark Strategy."

Leader of Inverness and Area, Cllr Ian Brown, said: "I am delighted to see the progress being made by the Whin Park project team. Whin Park is one of the city's most cherished parks and I would encourage as many people as possible to check out the designs and vote for their favourite.

"Everyone who uses the park has a unique opportunity to have their say on which design they'd like to see."

He added: "Children can learn many adult life skills through playing freely such as learning how to make friends, negotiation, teamwork, resilience, empathy, and cooperation with others.

"Young people living in the Highlands have told us that they want spaces where all children can play together, no matter what their age or ability is. Play should be for all."

Of course, Whin Park is not solely focused on play and offers recreation opportunities for families and older people to enjoy the space. There is also a miniature railway, boating pond, toilet facilities and a shop for refreshments.

The designs shown are expected to closely represent the final installation, but as is common during many projects of this scale, some minor adjustments may be necessary following discussions with the successful supplier.

The expected timeline for the Whin Park redevelopment is:

May 24 - Shortlisting of two suppliers.

June 24 - Public consultation to choose the winning design.

July 24 - Contract awarded.

Oct 24 - Works to begin on site.

April 25 - Completion.