NYSUT - New York State United Teachers

12/14/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/14/2024 07:26

NYSUT celebrates signing of classroom heat bill

NYSUT President Melinda Person released the following statement in response to the bill creating maximum temperatures for schools (S.3397-A / A.9011-A) being signed into law:

"Today, we celebrate a monumental step forward for the health and safety of students and educators across New York. Governor Hochul's decision to sign this bill into law reflects a commitment to ensuring our classrooms are conducive to learning - not sweltering saunas.

We are grateful to sponsors Sen. James Skoufis and Assemblymember Chris Eachus, who were unwavering in their advocacy for this bill. This victory - fought for by NYSUT members, parents and allies on both sides of the aisle - underscores the power of our collective voice to protect schools and prioritize our students' well-being."