DOE - Maine Department of Education

01/14/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/14/2025 11:46

Maine DOE Seeks New Members for State Literacy Team

Since 2010, the Maine Department of Education (DOE) has convened a State Literacy Team with members representing the full birth-to-adult continuum, as well as geographic diversity across Maine. Current team members include staff from the Maine DOE and the Maine Office of Child and Family Services, public school educators and administrators, community-based providers and organizations (e.g., early care and education, libraries, and literacy-focused programming), and higher education institutions.

The State Literacy Team supports the Maine DOE by guiding the development and dissemination of the State Literacy Plan, Literacy for ME. Originally released in 2012 and updated in 2022, the plan provides a framework for literacy education efforts statewide. The team meets quarterly to advise on literacy initiatives connected to Literacy for ME and to promote literacy awareness throughout Maine.

The Maine DOE is seeking eight to 10 new members to join the team in March of 2025. State Literacy Team members serve voluntarily for two-year terms and participate in 90-minute virtual meetings held in March, June, September, and December. Meetings are interactive and may involve pre-reading or resource review. Team members are also encouraged to contribute to sub-teams working on resource development aligned with the strategic priorities of Literacy for ME.

In addition to attending meetings, members are expected to dedicate three to six hours between meetings to projects and awareness-building activities.

If you are interested in joining the State Literacy Team, please complete this brief application by Friday, January 24, 2025. After applications close, the Maine DOE will review submissions and extend invitations to selected applicants. The selection process will aim to ensure a team that reflects the birth-to-adult literacy continuum and geographic diversity across Maine.

If you have any questions, please contact Lee Anne Larsen, Maine DOE Director of Early Learning, at [email protected].

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