FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

06/21/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/21/2023 23:20

Comment Period Closing on Proposed Changes to the National Flood Insurance Program in Oregon

BOTHELL, Wash. - The public comment period on proposed changes to the implementation of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in Oregon is closing next week.

These changes may have significant impacts on Oregon communities, individuals, and businesses that intend to develop in the floodplain. FEMA encourages participation during the comment period.

Following findings that the NFIP in Oregon may harm salmon, steelhead, Southern Resident Killer Whale, and additional endangered and threatened fish species, FEMA was required to make changes to how the NFIP is implemented in the state. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, FEMA is currently developing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to identify potential social and economic impacts of the proposed changes.

As part of this process, FEMA seeks public input relevant to proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to address in the EIS. The initial Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS was published on March 6, 2023 and opened a 60 day public scoping process that ended May 5, 2023. To accommodate additional public input, the comment period reopened May 25, 2023, for an additional 32 days, closing June 26, 2023.

Additional information about the EIS can be found on the project website. Instructions to submit a comment can be found in the NOI.

FEMA administers the NFIP, a nationwide program that reduces future flood damage by requiring minimum floodplain management standards and provides protection for property owners against potential flood losses through insurance.


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FEMA's mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters.