01/25/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/26/2025 21:25
On Jan 23, 2025, Consul General Xu Wei attended the 2nd International Conference on Blue Economy and delivered a speech. The conference, themed "Governance in Marine and Coastal Tourism", attracted wide attention, with hundreds of participants including Iran's First Deputy Speaker, Governor General of Hormozgan Province, ministerial officials from Plan and Budget Organization, Ministry of Agriculture Jahad and Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts, and representatives from the business community, think tanks, media and various other sectors of society.
In his speech, Consul General Xu looked back on the long history of friendly exchanges between China and Iran, and communicated Chinese Modernization and the Shanghai Spirit. Xu said, under the visionary guidance of the two presidents, the practical cooperation between China and Iran achieves a steady progress. China is ready to strenghthen communication and exchanges with Iran to explore the potential in such areas as maritime and tourism cooperation and inject new vitality into the China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership.