NACDS - National Association of Chain Drug Stores

06/23/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/23/2021 08:07

Mayors Unite with NACDS, National Forum and Forum for Community Leaders to Enhance COVID Vaccine Confidence and Uptake During National Month of Action

NACDS and the National Forum for Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention continue their COVID-19 vaccination initiative, collaborating with mayors from the Forum for Community Leaders (FCL) and joining in the 'all-of-America-sprint' to get 70% of U.S. adults vaccinated with at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine by July 4.

On Wednesday, June 2, President Joe Biden declaredthe month of June a 'National Month of Action' to boost vaccinations, recognizing mayors' and pharmacies' continued and pivotal role in encouraging COVID-19 vaccines and increasing vaccination rates in cities across the nation.

NACDS and the National Forum released six new PSAsfeaturing Mayor Acquanetta Warren(Fontana, CA); Mayor Christina Muryn(Findlay, OH); Mayor Dan Pope(Lubbock, TX); Mayor Brad Hart(Cedar Rapids, IA); Mayor Mike Coffman(Aurora, CO); and Mayor Billy Hewes(Gulfport, MS) and urging Americans who have not yet received a COVID-19 vaccine to get vaccinated to help return to the activities they know and love.

The videos follow the campaign's official launchon April 8 alongside the African American Mayors Association (AAMA) which commenced with a 60-second PSAspotlighting Mayor Sharon Weston Broome of Baton Rouge, LA.

In addition to Mayor Warren (FCL Chair), leaders of other mayoral associations - including AAMA President, Mayor McKinley L. Price, DDS (Newport News, VA), and U.S. Conference of Mayors President, Nan Whaley(Dayton, OH) - are among the mayors participating in the initiative. 

'NACDS is pleased to continue this important collaboration with the National Forum and with the strong support of FCL and mayors nationwide. Pharmacists and mayors are among some of the most trustworthy community messengers and have a critical role to play when it comes to encouraging vaccinations,' said NACDS President & CEO Steven C. Anderson. 'Advancing vaccine confidence and uptake is not a one-size-fits-all approach. As we continue our efforts, we look forward to engaging in COVID-19 vaccination dialogue with myriad groups and individuals in every corner of America and to working alongside other trusted and local voices to reach those individuals hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

'NACDS member pharmacies are proud to continue to step up and respond to President Biden's call to action to vaccinate as many Americans as possible during this National Month of Action.'

'We all want to live as free as we did before the pandemic. Choosing to get vaccinated will help all of us get back to doing just that. The freedom and opportunity that await our communities as we put this pandemic behind us are enormous. The work of getting this important message out to our communities has been essential. The value of the partnership of these three groups working together - across the nation - cannot be overstated. This is a key factor to getting our communities back to healthy, normal and connected lives,' said Fontana, CA Mayor and Forum for Community Leaders Chair Acquanetta Warren.

'Getting more people vaccinated is essential to safely getting back to the people and activities we love and ensuring that the virus does not make another comeback. These mayors are sharing the facts on which they based their decisions to get vaccinated so that people in their communities can make informed choices about their own vaccinations,' said National Forum for Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Executive Director John Clymer.

'The mission of the Forum for Community Leaders is equipping local leaders with the tools they need to ensure the expansion of opportunity and prosperity in resilient, strong communities,' said FCL President Timothy J. Barnes.'Working alongside NACDS and the National Forum fits right in line with that mission as we get past the effects of this pandemic and continuing to move our communities forward.'

Visit see additional videos and a growing list of participating mayors.