CoR - Committee of the Regions

11/21/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/21/2022 02:29

COP27: European Committee of the Regions address at closing plenary

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​​ COP27 climate talks reached its conclusions on Sunday 20 November after two weeks of negotiations. During the closing plenary, Vincent Chauvet (FR/Renew Europe), Mayor of Autun and member of the European Committee of the Regions, took the floor as the representative of the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency to the United Nations. You can watch his address here(4:44:16 to 4:47:10). Read here a COP27 negotiations wrap up from the LGMA constituency.

During his speech at the COP27 closing plenary session, Vincent Chauvet (FR/Renew Europe) , Mayor of Autun, France, and member of the European Committee of the Regions' COP27 delegation , said:

"It is an honour and a privilege to represent the European Committee of the Regions as a part of the European Union delegation to COP27 and representing today the constituency of local governments and municipal authorities (LGMA) to the United Nations, being myself Mayor of the city of Autun, France.

Indeed, mayors, presidents of regions and local elected representatives from all over Europe and around the world have come to Sharm el-Sheikh over the past two weeks to share their climate ambition - often greater than that of States, and to demonstrate that they are the source and driver force of climate action on the ground.

Global warming is indeed a global challenge that requires local responses. Without local public actors and without structured and effective multi-level collaboration, we will not be able to achieve the objectives of the Paris agreement, nor to mitigate the impact of climate change on our communities.

Local and regional governments wish to thank the Egyptian Presidency for having organised - with the support of UN-Habitat, the first ever ministerial meeting on urbanisation and climate change at a Conference of Parties (COP). We invite future COP Presidencies to convene such ministerial meetings on urbanisation and climate change like the one organized at COP27 as a standing agenda item. In particular, we commend the launching of the COP27 Presidency 'Sustainable Urban Resilience for the next Generation" (SURGe) initiative.

The LGMA constituency calls on the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and future COP presidencies to formally include the role of local and regional authorities in the development of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the drafting of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).

While we welcome the fact that the financing of losses and damages has been finally addressed, we nevertheless believe that the question of direct financing to local authorities will ultimately and inevitably arise, a call that we have been defending for several years.

The LGMA constituency is concerned that the issue of local adaptation is not receiving the attention it deserves. Municipal and regional diplomacy is insufficiently recognized and exploited as decentralized cooperation is a powerful lever for accelerating local climate action.

LGMA and UNFCCC, let's join forces to deliver on the promises of the next phase of the Paris Agreement."

Additional information:

In a COP27 press statement , the European Committee of the Regions has taken the lead of a global coalition of mayors and presidents of networks of cities and regions calling for a formal role in UN climate talks and a stronger recognition in the implementation of the Paris agreement.

David Crous
Tel. +32470881037
[email protected]