01/24/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/24/2025 10:50
January 24, 2025 - The City of Bettendorf has five main goals that remain steadfast every year: 1) remain a financially sound city that provides quality city services, 2) have orderly growth and quality development, 3) support riverfront/downtown development to create a destination for living, working, and entertainment, 4) grow current businesses and attract new businesses, and finally - 5) be a premier place to live in the Quad Cities.
On Wednesday, February 26, Mayor Robert Gallagher will provide an update on how the City is achieving those goals during his 2025 State of the City Address at the Waterfront Convention Center (2021 State Street).
This event is open to the entire community and is free to attend. A $20 lunch buffet is optional. To reserve a seat or a table, register online or pay at the door with cash/credit card/check.
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