Japan Exchange Group Inc.

02/05/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/05/2025 01:11

Feb. 05, 2025TSE Designation of Securities Under Supervision (Confirmation): CB GROUP MANAGEMENT Co.,Ltd.

Market News

Feb. 05, 2025 TSE Designation of Securities Under Supervision (Confirmation): CB GROUP MANAGEMENT Co.,Ltd.


TSE has designated an issue as a Security Under Supervision (Confirmation) as follows.

1.Issue Name CB GROUP MANAGEMENT Co.,Ltd. stock
(Code: 9852, Market Segment: Standard Market)
2.Period of Designation as
  Securities Under Supervision
From Feb. 5, 2025 (Wed.) to the day when TSE determines whether the company has fallen under the delisting criteria
  (Related Clause)
Due to falling under a case where a special controlling shareholder has made an announcement, etc. equivalent to disclosing information regarding a decision that it makes to demand the sale of shares, etc. or a case where the board of directors has made a resolution on a reverse stock split with a split ratio at which the number of all the shares owned by shareholders other than a specified party will be less than one share
(Enforcement Rules for Securities Listing Regulations, Rule 604, Paragraph 1, Item (23) and Item (24) of the same paragraph)
3.Details of Reason CB GROUP MANAGEMENT Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter "the Company") has today indicated approval of a takeover bid to be made by C Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the bidder") for shares of the Company (hereinafter "the shares"), which may result in the delisting of the shares.
The shares of the Company will be delisted if, as procedures for delisting after the completion of the takeover bid, (1) the bidder makes a demand for a cash-out and the Company approves the demand, or (2) the bidder requests the Company to submit to the general shareholders meeting a proposal for a share consolidation in which each of the shares held by shareholders other than specified entities will be reduced to a fraction less than one share, and this proposal is approved. Accordingly, TSE deems that the shares are likely to be delisted and designates the shares as Securities Under Supervision (Confirmation).

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Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Listing Department, Corporate Disclosure Office, Planning & Coordination, Listed Company Services