Monmouth County, NJ

08/10/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/10/2022 07:21

County Historical Commission seeks 2023 applicants for two history grants

For Immediate Release:
August 10, 2022

County Historical Commission seeks 2023 applicants for two history grantsSept. virtual workshop sessions set for both grants

FREEHOLD, NJ - The Monmouth County Historical Commission has released its 2023 grant applications for the History Regrant Program and the Historic Preservation Grant Program. The Historical Commission will offer in-person and virtual workshops to explain the application process to eligible nonprofit organizations or municipalities.

Two types of grants are available through the 2023 History Regrant Program : General Operating Support (GOS) for historical organizations' overall expenses or Special Project (SP) funding for local history projects and programs that are open and accessible to the public. The Historic Preservation Grants provide matching funds with a minimum of $500 and $10,000 maximum to restore historic buildings owned by organizations or municipalities.

"On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, we would like to thank the Monmouth County residents and municipalities for your due diligence in restoring and preserving Monmouth County historical structures," said Commissioner Lillian G. Burry, liaison to the Historical Commission. "The County is dedicated to providing funds to those organizations who help maintain and preserve our history through the History Regrant and Historic Preservation Grant Programs."

The workshop for the Monmouth County History Regrant Program is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 12. The workshop for the Historic Preservation Grant Program will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 26. Both workshops are offered in-person or remotely via Cisco WebEx. Participants must register for the link to the workshops by contacting Executive Director John Fabiano at [email protected].

The 2023 History Regrant Program is made possible with funds provided by the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the NJ Department of State. The goal of the program is to strengthen local history organizations, inspire projects to preserve and contribute to the local historic record and increase public awareness and participation in local history programming.

The deadline to declare intent to apply for the Monmouth County History Regrant Program is Oct. 1, and the completed application is due on Oct. 31. The Historic Preservation Grant Program application is due on Nov. 4.

The Monmouth County Historical Commission was established by what was previously known as the Board of Chosen Freeholders in August 1988 for the preservation and conservation of Monmouth County history. The Commission's principal programs provide grants, maintain historic buildings and support history programming in order to preserve Monmouth County's rich and diverse historic legacy.

For more about Monmouth County's Historical Commission visit the County's website at

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