Joe Courtney

02/01/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/01/2025 19:04

Rep. Courtney Statement on President Trump’s Tax on American Families, Businesses, and Shipbuilders

NORWICH, CT - Today, Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-02) issued the following statement after President Trump announceda 25 percent tariff - a tax that's paid by American consumers and businesses - on all imported goods from Canada and Mexico.

"President Trump's decision to butcher the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which I voted for, that ensured free trade between great allies, will damage not only the intent of USMCA, but also the intent of Congress to strengthen the Northern Hemisphere's democratic coalitions and shared interests.

"Ultimately, the costs of these tariffs will be passed on to American consumers and businesses who are already facing high costs, particularly in the housing sector. The best way to bring down housing costs for Americans is by building more homes. As the National Home Builders Association rightly stated yesterday, a 25% tariff will only slow that effort and raise the cost of homes."

"As Ranking Member of the Seapower Subcommittee, I am also concerned about the increase in costs U.S. shipbuilders will face who rely on Canada for critical materials. President Trump's tariffs will only slow shipbuilding production at a time when shipbuilders are diligently working to meet Congress' and the Navy's strong demand signal for a larger U.S. Naval fleet."
