BCIE - Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica

01/21/2022 | Press release | Archived content

CABEI analyzes investment opportunities in Belize to continue supporting its social development and competitiveness

Tegucigalpa, January 21, 2022.- During the official visit to Belize, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) delegation, led by Executive President Dr. Dante Mossi, presented government authorities and private sector representatives with the financial instruments available to support them in achieving the country's development objectives.

During the meetings, Dr. Mossi highlighted CABEI's management through its Institutional Strategy 2020-2024 " The Region's Pillar of Sustainable Development" and the business model for creating opportunities to support Belize's commercial and economic reactivation after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The official CABEI mission met with Belize's Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, John Briceño. They also met with the Minister of State and Minister of Economy, Christopher Coye, and later with officials from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, E-Government and others.

More from the work agenda

A meeting was also organized with the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing to hear about the need to rehabilitate the road from the International Airport to Belize City and to analyze the feasibility of obtaining CABEI financing for this project.

The work agenda included a tour of some of the projects that will benefit from the Belize Comprehensive Security Program, located in Punta Gorda Town and Belize City. A meeting was also held with the productive sector, where representatives of the Citrus Growers Association (CGA) and the Banana Growers Association (BGA) had the opportunity to present their projects.

The mission went to the city of Orange Walk to listen actively to entrepreneurs who presented their projects and learned about the Bank's support. A visit was also made to the Corozal Free Zone to see the stretch of road affected by Hurricane Eta.

The tour ended this Friday with two activities. First, a talk was held with the Ministries of Tourism, Blue Economy and Sustainable Development, in which a presentation was given regarding priority projects.

As a result of this linkage, CABEI will have a better overview of cooperation and financing opportunities for its partner country, which will not only strengthen its position as a benchmark for development and economic integration in the region, but will also help boost the economy and, therefore, the quality of life of Belizeans.