01/21/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/21/2025 14:40
On Day 1, the Trump Administration wasted no time advancing a dangerous fossil fuel agenda that prioritizes oil and gas profits over the health and wellbeing of communities and public lands.
By declaring a national energy emergency and directing agencies to "unleash" fossil fuel production, the Trump administration is aiming to open more doors to unnecessary oil and gas drilling across public lands, even at a time when oil and gas production on public lands is at a record high.
In response to the news, The Wilderness Society issued the following statement:
"People deserve a swift and urgent transition to a clean, renewable energy economy, not more handouts that make it easier for oil and gas companies to reap record profits and offload the costs of pollution and ecosystem destruction onto communities and public lands," said Kim Stevens, Climate Advocacy Director at The Wilderness Society. "People are hurting right now because of the U.S.' dependence on a fossil fuel economy -- whether it's choking on air pollution or suffering from fires and hurricanes. At the same time, President Trump intends on taking us deeper into our fossil fuel dependency at the expense of healthy communities, public lands, and a stable climate. We need leaders in Congress and everyone who values public lands, cultural resources, and our climate to do everything they can to stop this dangerous and misguided attack. There's no time to waste."
The energy emergency declaration and executive order directing the unleashing of energy include the following announcements:
The science, global markets and the people of this country are saying we need to keep pushing forward to build on the significant climate progress we've already made, not fast track dangerous energy agendas that gives handouts to polluting industries at the expense of the climate and our communities.
To speak with the Wilderness Society's policy and legal experts, contact Emily Denny, Communications Manager at [email protected]