City of Fort Collins, CO

01/18/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/18/2025 19:44

Police Arrest Fossil Ridge High School Teacher for Sexual Assault on a Child

Press Releases

Police Arrest Fossil Ridge High School Teacher for Sexual Assault on a Child

Released on Saturday, January 18, 2025

A Fort Collins school teacher is facing sexual assault charges and Fort Collins Police Services (FCPS) is asking for any possible additional victims to come forward.

In May 2024, staff from Poudre School District (PSD) reported to Department of Human Services that a PSD colleague disclosed to them he had an inappropriate relationship with a previous student. The accused teacher is identified as Brendan Gallagher (dob 07/30/1975). While investigating the reports, detectives with the FCPS Crimes Against Persons Unit (CAPU) were able to identify a female who had been victimized in 2015 while she was a student in one of Gallagher's classes at Fossil Ridge High School. After identifying this victim, CAPU worked with the Criminal Investigations Unit to arrest Gallagher on Thursday, January 16, 2025. He was charged with:

· Class 4 Felony - Sexual Assault on a Child - Position of Trust

He posted a court appointed $200,000 cash or surety bond on Friday, January 17, 2025.

PSD had placed Gallagher on administrative leave immediately after receiving the initial allegation and the School District has been cooperative throughout the investigation. Detectives know he has held a similar position in Berthoud and are concerned there may be more victims or witnesses of additional criminal behavior related to this case. Anyone who believes they are a victim or have information related to this type of behavior, please contact Detective Brandon Wootan at [email protected].

Charges are merely an accusation by law enforcement and all suspects must be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Due to this case involving juvenile victims, statutory protections do not allow us to share any additional information about this investigation.
