Robinson, Ayotte, and Reichert All Desperately Attempt to Lie to Voters About Their Anti-Abortion Records with Misleading TV Ads
This week, Republican candidates for governor Mark Robinson, Kelly Ayotte, and Dave Reichert are all currently airing TV ads in a direct attempt to lie to voters about their extreme records of opposing abortion rights, underscoring how reproductive rights remains a major vulnerability for them and a central issue in governor's races around the country.
NBC mentioned this pattern of deceit from Republican candidates saying, "The ads come as Republicans grapple with Democratic efforts to brand them as extreme on the issue."
Here's how GOP candidates in NC, NH, and WA are all trying to run from their extreme anti-abortion records:
In North Carolina, Lt. Governor Mark Robinson launched a new ad falsely claiming he will stand by the state's current abortion restrictions. The reality is Robinson has spent years consistently calling abortion "murder" and voicing his plans to completely ban abortion for "any reason," saying: "We got it down to 12 weeks. The next goal is to get it down to six, and then just keep moving from there."
In New Hampshire, Kelly Ayotte released an ad claiming her opponents were lying about her record and "politicizing" the issue one day after the DGA-backed group Put New Hampshire First launched its first adexposing and holding her accountable for her anti-abortion record. However, Ayotte has a long record of calling for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, saying the decision was "wrongly decided," and voting for a national abortion ban in the U.S. Senate. She was also the "sherpa" for then-Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch, who would be the first justice to sign on to the majority opinion in Dobbs.
In Washington, former Congressman Dave Reichert, who has been dubbed an "anti-abortion stalwart" by The Seattle Times, released an ad, in which he speaks directly to camera, claiming "I do not believe any politician, regardless of personal belief, has the right to make that decision." However this contradicts his long anti-abortion record in Congress where he voted multiple times, including as recently as 2017, for a federal abortion ban that would have criminalized doctors.
"Mark Robinson, Kelly Ayotte, and Dave Reichert all know that their harmful and unpopular records of trying to ban abortion are too extreme for voters,"said DGA Communications Director Sam Newton. "The only thing these desperate ads do is confirm that GOP candidates are in deep trouble because voters aren't buying their lies and we're not going to let them get away with it."