DDPS - Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports of the Swiss Confederation

04/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/11/2024 02:08

Commitment to stability and security in Kosovo: Switzerland takes over KFOR’s transport company


Bern, 11.04.2024 - Today marks the transition from the 49th to the 50th Swisscoy contingent in Kosovo. Under the command of Colonel Cyrus Wagner, the new contingent begins its first deployment with an increased strength of 215 troops. This increase allows Switzerland to strengthen its contribution to security and stability in the Western Balkans by taking over the leadership of the multinational transport company of the Kosovo Force (KFOR). Over 80% of Swiss forces in Kosovo are now directly assigned to KFOR for operational mission fulfilment.

Much has happened over the past year in areas of the world where military peace support operations are being conducted, including in Kosovo. The unrest in the north of the country in May 2023 was yet another reminder of how fragile the situation is. KFOR continues to play a crucial role in ensuring security and stability in the region, which is also in Switzerland's security interests.

Switzerland takes over command of KFOR's transport company

The decision of the Federal Council and Parliament to strengthen Swisscoy is being implemented with today's transition to the new contingent, which has been increased by 20 members of the Armed Forces. With these additional troops, Switzerland is in particular strengthening its contribution to KFOR's multinational transport company, which provides essential personnel and equipment transport services for the entire mission.

Switzerland took over command of the multinational company from the Austrian Armed Forces shortly before the contingent increase, on 9 March. This acquisition is an opportunity for Switzerland to strengthen its commitment to NATO through KFOR and help the mission adapt to the changing security situation in the region. In this way, Switzerland is contributing to stabilisation efforts in the Western Balkans and demonstrating its willingness to assume responsibility as part of the international community. It also gives young soldiers in leadership positions, e.g. company commanders, the opportunity to take on leadership responsibilities and gain experience in a multinational operation. In addition, it provides opportunities for the Armed Forces to develop skills and capabilities. Finally, it increases KFOR's operational control (OPCON) - meaning the share of Swiss forces directly assigned to KFOR for operational mission fulfilment - to over 80%.


International peace support is one of the three mandates of the Swiss Armed Forces. Currently approximately 300 men and women ranging in rank from private to major general are contributing to peace in 18 countries. SWISSINT is responsible for the planning, deployment and command of all Swiss military contingents and personnel involved in peace support operations abroad.

Address for enquiries

Stefanie Waltenspül
Deputy Head Communication SWISSINT
+41 58 489 14 25
[email protected]



General Secretariat DDPS