Extreme Networks Inc.

03/09/2023 | Press release | Archived content

District’s IT team wins Technology Planning Award

Information Technology Services (ITS) at the San Diego Community College District were awarded the Technology Planning Award from the Chief Information Systems Officers Association at the 2023 CISO conference in San Francisco.

The award recognizes the district's Informational Technology Services' exceptional achievements in implementing a comprehensive security and technology infrastructure over the past eight months. The team has successfully deployed several critical initiatives that have significantly enhanced the District's technology capabilities and helped to safeguard the data and information systems.

The team's deployment of Office 365, multi-factor authentication, data loss prevention and data governance policies, active/active information security controls, a security operations control center in partnership with Microsoft, and single sign-on services, all while staying within budget and ahead of schedule, is a testament to their exceptional project management skills and technical expertise.

Additionally, SDCCD ITS led a discussion on March 9, where they examined how SDCCD is redesigning its network infrastructure, service orientation, security, and digital equity initiatives. They were joined by Extreme Networks to showcase how SDCCD is addressing digital equity and breaking down education silos within San Diego County.

During the discussion, the audience had the opportunity to discover SDCCD's Blue Ocean Strategy, and how we are bridging people and processes to create a digitally-driven resource for California.

"I am proud to work with an exceptional team that is committed to the betterment of the District, the colleges, and the communities we serve. Thank you to SDCCD leadership, including the campus VPs of Administrative Services, Dr. Carlos Cortez, and VC Greg Smith for their technological vision and their continued support in advancing SDCCD," said ITS Director Peter Maharaj.