City of League City, TX

05/26/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/26/2023 09:07

CIP Water & Wastewater Update

Posted on: May 26, 2023

CIP Water & Wastewater Update

The Project Management group works in conjunction with Public Works and Engineering to design and construct improvements to the existing water and wastewater supply, distribution and collections systems as well as creating new supply and distribution infrastructure. For the FY2023-2027 period, water system improvements represent the single largest program with $188.19 million in projects to be funded. The wastewater program follows closely behind with $136.73 million over the same period. League City currently operates ten booster pump stations, four elevated storage tanks, nine groundwater wells, two wastewater treatment plants, 76 lift stations plus all the thousands of linear feet of water mains, sanitary sewer mains and sanitary force mains that connect everything together.

The Project Management group is currently working on several maintenance and new construction projects for water and wastewater infrastructure in varying stages of study/evaluations, design or construction. Below are updates from our on-going projects.

To learn more about projects that impact your neighborhood, explore our Interactive Project Mapor view the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan.


Southeast Service Area Trunks

This final phase of the Southeast Service Area Trunks project has wrapped up construction. This phase consisted of installing a 24-inch waterline down FM 646 from Dickinson Avenue to South Shore Boulevard, as well as up Tuscan Lakes Boulevard to SH 96. After a four (4) month construction delay due to a utility conflict, the contractor re-mobilized and completed construction in November 2022, including pressure testing. On December 19, 2022, the water main system was activated and placed into service by Public Works. Project is closed and considered as complete.

36-Inch Water Transmission Main from SH3 to SSH Booster Pump Station

Installation of 17,730 linear feet of 36-inch water supply transmission line will provide an alternative connection from the SH 3 Booster Pump Station to the South Shore Harbor Water Storage and Booster Pump Station. This line will improve water supply to the East side of the City's water system by providing a third crossing of Clear Creek and provide water system supply redundancy.

The contractor has two air release valves left to install in the Edgewater Community in Webster, which are expected to be delivered and installed by the end of May 2023. The contractor completed installation of the 36-inch waterline under SH 3 and the waterline in an area near the Old Galveston Road. They have also completed an underground crossing of the waterline at the Genco Canal and the jack and bore work at Davis Road and FM 270. The next major phase of the project, which is approximately 50% of the work, is the installation of the fusible PVC pipe. The inspection of the fusible PVC is complete. Out of the over 240 sections of pipe approximately 9 sections will be replaced with new pipe. The first drill operation is expected to begin on May 22nd. TCH the City's drilling contractor mobilized to the first drill site on May 22nd. Initial matting has begun, and drilling operations are expected to begin in the next few weeks. The first drilling is scheduled for a 25 day duration. This drill will begin near the City's South Shore Harbor Booster pump station and extend to Marina Bay Drive.

SSH 2MG & Alabama Elevated Storage Tank and Meadow Bend Ground Storage Tank

As part of the Annual Water System Improvements in the CIP program, storage tanks are prioritized for rehabilitation due to corrosion, mineral deposits, and equipment upgrades. This year, the South Shore Harbour Elevated Storage Tank (EST), the Alabama Elevated Storage Tank (EST), and the Meadow Bend Ground Storage Tank (GST) will receive an exterior coating, interior coating, structural inspections, UV exterior coating, and potential structural repairs.

The South Shore Harbor and Meadow Bend tanks are complete and back in service with punch list items complete. The Meadow Bend tank had to be drained and pulled off-line as an unexpected leak appeared, but City staff is working to have emergency repairs made and get the tank back on-line. The Alabama tank crew finished applying the "dry paint" finish coat but is having to scrape some of this finish coat as some paint deficiencies were noticed. The Clear Creek school logo and City lettering will be applied once the finish coat is acceptable. Another crew change and rework have pushed the completion to mid-June 2023.

Main Street Waterline Replacement Project - SH 3 to I 45

This project will replace nearly one mile of existing 10-inch diameter waterline along the north side of FM 518, from I-45 to SH 3, with a new 12-inch diameter PVC waterline. The increase in diameter will provide additional capacity for future needs.

This week the contractor was working in the vicinity of Kelly's. The previous discussions regarding the pipeline crossings at Interurban Ditch have been discontinued due to lack of compromise from the pipeline companies. The new 12" line will tie into the existing 10" line on each side of the ditch crossing. The next segment of this project (SH3 to FM270) will start design this fall and we will include scope to redesign the crossing to avoid the pipelines entirely. The new waterline and all service connections are installed and active. The contractor is restoring sidewalks and landscaping throughout the project and is expected to be complete by the end of May.

Main Street Waterline Replacement Project I 45 to Palomino Dr
This project will replace nearly 1.5 miles of existing 10-inch waterline along the north side of FM 518 from I-45 to Palomino Lane with a 12-inch PVC waterline. The increase in diameter will provide additional capacity for future needs.

The contractor is working from the west end of the project and will tie in at I-45. Contractor is now running three separate crews to help make up time due to material delays and pipeline coordination. 65 days were added to the contract time to account for these issues. Continuing to install services and fire hydrants while also pressure testing and chlorination of new lines in prep for service. New waterlines are expected to be in service by the end of May pending coordination with TxDOTs continued efforts at the FM518/I45 intersection.

Meadowbend 16'' FM Replacement

As part of the city's Annual Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program, this project will replace approximately 7,300 linear feet of existing force main along FM 518, between Louisiana Avenue and South Shore Boulevard to the Meadowbend Lift Station Site. The new 16'' force main alignment will start at the lift station and run west along the city's drainage ditch towards Meadow Parkway to FM 518, and then west along FM 518 to a discharge manhole near Louisiana Avenue.

Installation of the proposed 16-inch force main along Meadow Parkway has been completed. Construction of the 16-inch force main are currently ongoing along FM 518. Approximately 5000 linear feet of 16-inch force main has been placed to date. Site restoration along Meadow Parkway will be ongoing simultaneously with the FM 518 construction activity. Construction completion is anticipated to be achieved by July 2023, barring weather or unforeseen delays.

State Highway 3 Lift Station Upgrade& Force Main Replacement Project

This capital improvement project will rehab the SH 3 at SH 96 lift station and replace a brick discharge manhole and approximately 310 linear feet of existing 10-inch asbestos concrete (AC) force main along SH 3 between the manhole and the lift station. The project includes coating the interior of the wet well, replacing all existing piping, suction, and discharge equipment, and installing new submersible pumps and controls. Existing piping is currently located inside the dry well section of the lift station, but all new piping will be located above ground, thus eliminating the current confined workspace. New stainless-steel electrical panels, including a generator plug-in connection, will be included in the lift station upgrades.

The construction contract was approved via Council action at the December 20, 2022 session. A preconstruction meeting was held March 16th. The contractor has reported to the City that they have been successful in procuring most of the lift station's critical electrical components. Given the contractor's confirmation, a Notice to Proceed date will be issued for June 12th. Construction duration is set for 180 days from the notice to proceed date.

South Shore 1 & 2 Lift Station Improvements

The project will rehabilitate and rebuild the South Shore #1 and #2 Lift Stations, both of which were constructed in the early 1980s and are critical stations serving large areas of the city. Over the last decade, the stations have flooded several times and have lost electricity during tropical weather events, causing them to shut down and not operate. This rehab project will enhance the operability, reliability, and safety of both stations.

Substantial completion walkthrough took place on May 25th which entailed the contractor demonstrating to the City that all mechanical and electrical components were functioning as designed. Lift Station is now running without the assistance of bypass pumping. Punch list items were noted which include minor site restorations and touch ups. Close out phase of this project will be ongoing.

Glenn Cove LS Dry Pit/Wet Well

The Glen Cove Lift Station Conversion Project consists of structural modifications of the existing dry/wet pit configuration to create a standard submersible lift station. Project scope includes installation of new submersible pumps and associated piping, electrical units and controls, hatches and safety grates, discharge piping and valves, and recoating the wet well.

City Council awarded the construction contract to Matula & Matula Construction, Inc. in June 2022. Contract time for the construction is 320 days and has been extended 242 days for delay in materials. The contractor has mobilized on site, set-up their by-pass system, and completed demolition of the control building, electrical, and wet well roof. The contractor, our consultant and City staff are evaluating alternate options of rebuilding and recoating the wet well side walls as their condition was worse than expected from blasting operations. Construction is estimated to be complete September 2023.

DSWWTP SCADA Upgrade Project

Functional System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are required to monitor, control, collect data, and ultimately integrate the multitude of process functions throughout the many treatment components of a wastewater treatment facility. This project replaces and updates all software and hardware related to the fiber looped SCADA system that serves the Dallas Salmon Wastewater Treatment Plant (DSWWTP).

Prime Controls Construction was awarded the construction contract at the June 14, 2022 Council meeting and a preconstruction meeting was held on August 18, 2022. Prime-Controls continues to procure equipment and programming of software activities continue. Prime Controls and CDM mobilized to Dallas Salmon on May 22nd and began working on PLC1. The estimated construction time is 335 calendar days from the notice to proceed to substantial completion, which is anticipated to be achieved by fall of 2023.

Dallas Salmon Wastewater Treatment Plant RAS Pump Improvements

Construction will begin at The Dallas Salmon Wastewater Treatment Plant for the improvements to the Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pump Stations. The RAS pumps are an integral part of the activated sludge system, the purpose of the pumps is to manage solids levels in the aeration basins and secondary clarifiers to ensure optimum treatment efficiency. This system must be reliable and meet the peak flow demand. This project will provide modifications and replacement of the six existing horizontal end-suction RAS pumps, removal and replacement of associated suction and discharge piping, as well as replacement of the RAS pinch valve, including a maintenance bypass loop used to control the RAS flow to the aeration basins.

Council awarded the construction contract to Wharton-Smith, Inc. at the May 24, 2022 Council meeting. A construction start date of September 1st was agreed on. Construction is estimated at 395 calendar days from notice to proceed to substantial completion. The contractor has purchased and delivered the six RAS pumps and associated piping. Wharton Smith mobilized to the plant the week of January 23rd. Bypass pumping and piping has been installed. They are currently in the process of removing the bypass pumps #4 and #6. Anticipated pumps start date is looking to be the week of April 24th for the new pumps #4 and #6 and will continue into the week of May 1st. Contractor is scheduled to move and setup for bypass at RAS2 the week of May 1st. Wharton Smith is preparing for a discharge tie in at RAS1 which will include a plant shutdown. Also, will perform a suction tie in, clarifier shutdown at pump #3 and excavate and prepare for a suction tie in to pump #1.

15" Willow Branch & 18" FM 518 Gravity Line Replacement

Construction of these improvements will increase the size of the approximately 1,400 feet of existing 18-inch sanitary sewer along FM 518 to 21 inches and increase the size of approximately 1,800 feet of existing 12-inch sanitary sewer along Washington Street and Willow Branch Drive to 15 inches. The upsized gravity lines will adequately convey existing and projected peak wastewater flows through the year 2037, as projected by the City's Wastewater Masterplan, and will help maintain regulatory compliance regarding sanitary sewer overflows.

A single bid was received in August 2022 which was officially rejected at the September 13, 2022 Council meeting due to lack of competitive bids and being significantly overbudget. The project went out for rebid February 21, 2023 and bids were opened March 21, 2023. Council awarded the construction contract to T-Construction on April 25th. The Pre-Construction meeting is scheduled for June 1, 2023. Construction notice to proceed and schedule will be determined at the pre-con but is anticipated to begin in July 2023 and continue through March 2024.


Dallas Salmon Wastewater Treatment Plant - Operations Building

The Dallas Salmon Wastewater Treatment Plant (DSWWTP) became active in the early 1980s and is the largest treatment facility in Galveston County, serving approximately 80% of League City's current service area. The original operations building at Dallas Salmon was demolished four years ago due to numerous issues, many of which were exacerbated during Hurricane Harvey. Architectural plans for a new 10,000 square foot Operation Center were advertised for construction on November 10, 2022 and one bid was received on December 20th. The single bid was rejected via Council action on February 14, 2023 due to lack of competitiveness as required by the grant funding slated for the project. Project re-bid on May 9th with the bid opening scheduled on June 15th.


There are several projects in varying stages of design.

The Westside Well & Booster Pump Station will provide additional water supply to the City's water distribution system and a redundant water source to Bay Colony and south-central areas of the city. After several months of scope revision discussions with the consultant, a contract amendment was approved in late 2021 to address addition of security systems, fire alarms, security gates, and other equipment for the integrated controls systems of the water plant. The consultant is currently working on incorporating plan review comment from staff into the plan set. This project is funded for construction in FY 2024.

The Pecan Forest, Highland Terrace, Clear Creek Heights Subdivisions and Boden St and Berns St project is part of the City's ongoing program to systematically replace our aging water distribution system. In these neighborhoods, staff identified approximately 23,000 linear feet of waterline as high priority for replacement/upgrade, due to aged and deteriorated waterlines, undersized small diameter waterlines, ongoing maintenance issues, and/or to update pipe material. Engineering requested waterline replacements along the additional street of Abilene be added to the project and a professional services amendment was approved in mid-March. Consultant is projecting to submit 90% plans in June 2023. Construction is slated for late Summer 2023.

The East Main 24" FM Replacement is the FY 22 design selected for an annual program consisting of the engineering evaluation and strategic rehabilitation of sanitary sewer systems as identified as a priority throughout the City. The project will replace approximately 5,300 L.F. of an existing 24-inch diameter sanitary sewer force main constructed in 1981 serving the East Main Lift Station. The existing 24-inch force main is located along FM 2094 (TxDOT ROW), crosses FM 2094 and runs south of Bayou Brae Subdivision, crosses Robinson Bayou (Clear Creek), and runs along Coryell Street until it crosses FM 270 (TxDOT ROW) and discharges into the manhole that is located on southeast corner of FM 270 and Coryell Street. Coordination with TxDOT and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for approval to install the proposed force main replacement will be required. 60% design plans were submitted in early April and the City has completed its review of the submittal.

Annual Odor control improvements are a part of the CIP. Smith Lane and Butler Road LS Odor Control were the projects identified for design and construction in FY 22/23. Improvements planned are removal and replacement of the odor control units for the Smith Lane and Butler Lift Stations as well as modifications to the piping, structural and electrical and instrumentation. The fence will also be modified/replaced, and site work designed for the expanded Butler Lift Station site. Design is currently at 90% and the plans have been submitted to DRC for review. A DRC meeting is scheduled for Monday May 1st.

The city completed a Reuse Feasibility Analysis in 2014. Since completion of that study, the city has taken actionable steps to reduce potable water consumption within the City while increasing "reuse" customers. A contract to update the 2014 study was awarded by Council in May 2022. The report will be done in four phases which include: data collection and analysis; identifying potential users and subsequent planning and cost to serve; development of an implementation plan; and final report and exhibit production. Data collection and analysis is currently ongoing. The consultant has held several workshops to discuss data findings and coordinate with the city, the next of which is schedule for May 1st.