Ted Cruz

01/12/2022 | Press release | Archived content

Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill Protecting the Right to Vote Regardless of Vaccination Status

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today announced he's introduced the Securing Enfranchisement and the Rights of Voters regardless of Inoculation Status (SERVIS) Act to prohibit requiring vaccine passports to vote. The SERVIS Act would also render mask mandates at polling locations unenforceable unless masks are readily provided, free-of-charge, to voters.

Upon introducing the bill, Senator Cruz stated:

"It's the height of irony that the same politicians fighting to remove voter ID laws are locking down cities and imposing vaccine passport requirements to participate in everyday life. These petty tyrants should not be able to strip Americans of their voting rights by demanding vaccine passports at the voting booth. The American people have tolerated enough from lockdown politicians who have grossly marginalized constitutional liberties in the name of COVID-19. This is wrong."


According to data from the Mayo Clinic, in December 2021, 62.6% percent of Americans were considered "fully vaccinated." Data also shows that, nationwide, African-Americans are less likely to be vaccinated than are Asians, Hispanics or Whites. In 48 states, the proportion of African-Americans who are vaccinated is below the population share of African Americans. See here and here. This legislation would ensure they're not denied their constitutional right to the ballot box."
