Department of Justice of Ireland

03/30/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/30/2023 06:36

Minister for Justice Simon Harris publishes second Drogheda Implementation Plan progress report

Minister for Justice Simon Harris has today published the second progress report of the Drogheda Implementation Plan.

This action plan focuses on implementation of the recommendations contained in the 2021 report, Drogheda: Creating a Bridge to a Better Future, which was developed by Minster Helen McEntee in response to rising crime and rising fear of crime in the Drogheda area.

The Drogheda Implementation Plan outlines 73 actions and is reviewed on a quarterly basis, with a progress report published biannually.

Today's update report identifies a number of positive developments including, but not limited to:

  • Funding for a Drugs Treatment Court Liaison Case Worker situated within the Red Door Project in Drogheda has been secured through Dormant Accounts Funding until Q3 2024.
  • Two projects based in Drogheda were successful in attaining funding from the Community Safety Innovation Fund 2022. These are:

A Prison Link Worker - situated within the Red Door Project for 2 years

The New Choices Project - the project, run by Foroige, is an individualised alternative learning programme for young people aged 13-16 who have dropped out of the school system.

  • Capital investment from SOLAS to LMETB to develop a tertiary education and community facilities block on the Drogheda Institute of Further Education campus. Minister Harris announced this multi-million capital investment which will greatly enhance capacity to deliver third level programmes in Drogheda
  • The establishment of a large-scale LMETB Electrical Apprenticeship hub with 360 apprentice training places per annum. On 17 October 2022, Minister Harris announced this first ever Apprenticeship
  • Training Hub for Drogheda which will open in 2023, become a centre of excellence for electrical training, and deliver 20 permanent jobs in the town.
  • The creation of a dedicated Youth Officer post in response to the Drogheda Implementation Plan, funded by DCEDIY
  • The provision of funding to provide short-term, targeted counselling interventions for primary aged children impacted by trauma in three identified primary schools on the Southside of Drogheda

Publishing the second update, Minister Harris said:

"I want to thank and commend everyone, particularly those at local level, involved in the Implementation Plan. The Government remains committed to improving safety and wellbeing for the community in Drogheda.

"My Department secured an additional €100,000 worth of funding on behalf of Drogheda Implementation Board in Budget 2023 and I am delighted that the Drogheda Implementation Board has allocated all of this additional funding to a new small grants fund for community organisations in the Drogheda area."

With the additional resources provided this year, the total available to local groups for innovative projects and initiatives is €125,000. €50,000 of the fund has been ring-fenced for small grants of €2,000 - 5,000, with a maximum grant of €20,000.

Further information on the grant scheme is available at or by contacting [email protected] .

The Minister added:

"The Drogheda Implementation Plan is an example of the power of cooperation and community. We are only gaining momentum here and I look forward to seeing further great strides made for the people of Drogheda."


Notes for the Editor:

  • The Drogheda Scoping Exercise was commissioned by Minister Helen McEntee in 2020 in response to rising concerns regarding crime and fear of crime in Drogheda. The report, entitled 'Drogheda: Creating a Bridge to a Better Future', was completed by Mr. Vivian Geiran, former director of the Probation Service, and published in January 2021 and explored the challenges presenting in the Drogheda catchment area, in addition to local strengths and resources. It also identified measures that could support community safety and chart a path to improved community wellbeing in and around Drogheda.
  • The recommendations in the report fall under two general headings:

1. the need for improved interagency cooperation in the administration and delivery of services in Drogheda, and

2. the need to resource services or provide additional services in the area.

  • Following the publication of the report, the Department of Justice engaged with relevant Government Departments, Agencies, and Louth County Council to develop the Drogheda Implementation Plan, an action plan focused on implementation of the recommendations contained in the report. The Drogheda Implementation Plan outlines 73 actions and is reviewed on a quarterly basis, with a progress report published biannually.
  • At a local level, the Drogheda Implementation Board is the core driver and co-ordinator of the activities outlined in the Plan, while the Department of Justice provides national oversight to ensure strategic direction, action planning and the delivery of the Drogheda Implementation Plan. Additionally, the Drogheda Implementation Plan High Level Oversight Group, chaired by the Department of Justice, provides further oversight with representatives from all key government departments, the HSE and Tusla.