ARS - Agricultural Research Service

11/28/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/29/2022 09:04

Statement from Secretary Vilsack on President Biden's Call for Congress to Adopt Agreement to Avert Rail Stoppage

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Release No. 0254.22

Contact: USDA Press
Email:[email protected]

WASHINGTON, November 28, 2022 - "I take seriously overriding the ratification procedures and the views of those who voted against the agreement. But in this case - where the economic impact of a shutdown would hurt American agriculture and millions of other working people and families -Congress must use its powers to adopt this deal. There is no time to waste on political gamesmanship or the search for a more perfect resolution.

"I join the President in calling on Congress to quickly pass legislation adopting the Tentative Agreement between railroad workers and operators - without any modifications or delay - to avert a potentially crippling national rail shutdown.

"The U.S. food and agricultural industry relies heavily on rail networks for the transport of inputs and raw materials and for taking products to market. A rail shutdown would have significant and long-lasting effects on some sectors of American food and agriculture and could be devastating to parts of our economy."


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