European External Action Service

05/13/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/13/2023 07:03

United in Diversity: the European Union joins the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe in the “Culture Month” Commemorations

The 2023 Culture Month represents a fascinating adventure of the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) and the European Union (EU) who "united in diversity" dreamt of a mosaic of cultures. In May every year on this date, the 450 million citizens of Europe celebrate the European dream and its founding values. Also, this month, the NACZ displays the amazing diversity and richness of the Zimbabwean culture encompassing both indigenous and contemporary traits …. So, why not do it together?

The NACZ believes this partnership will amplify ongoing efforts to highlight Zimbabwean culture as well as the cultural diversity that exists in Zimbabwe. The European Union recognizes the role of culture as an engine for social and economic development and a resource for peaceful inter-community relations and wants to join the NACZ in its effort.

Culture Month is indeed a national phenomenon with events scattered across all the provinces of the country covering the entire month of May. The main events of Culture Month include:

  1. Culture Month Presentation Event -11 May- a joint celebration of culture counting with the presence of Hon. Kirsty Coventry,Minister of Youth, Sports, Arts and Recreation.
  2. Culinary Food Exchange Program- 15 May- We are what we eat! Complementing the #Europeinaplate series launched by the EU, this exchange aims at showcasing Zimbabwean and European food culture, as well as the skills and processes involved in the preparation of the dishes.
  3. Culture Month Europe Day Art Exhibition- 22 & 23 May -How do artists see our "United in Diversity" motto? We will be able to discover it at the Chitungwiza Arts Centre, where creatives will exhibit their works for all of us to enjoy.
  4. National Launchof the Culture Month- 27 May 2023- This year we are planning the national launch of the month with a big event to be held in Binga, Matabeleland North Province.
  5. Provincial Launches- 10 Provinces- With the vocation to reach all Zimbabwean corners, ten provincial launches will mimic the national event and will allow for the gathering of Cultural and Creative Sector practitioners and stakeholders at that level.
  6. Primary SchoolsStorytelling Festival - 31 May 2023- Language is a powerful vehicle and carrier of culture and identity. To celebrate that power, the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe Harare office is hosting the Primary Schools Storytelling Festival to learn about and enjoy both Zimbabwean and European folklore.
  7. Culture Month Closing Ceremony-30 May-The curtains will come down at the end of the month at the University of Zimbabwe Great Hall. We hope to be accompanied by vibrant students showcasing various live performances across genres.

The EU has already been traditionally supporting Zimbabwean culture. As an example, earlier this year, it launched the Creative Actions II project with approx. 2,25 million USD to Culture Fund which manages the project. Creative Actions II is fully aligned with Zimbabwe's National Development Strategy 1 (NDS-1) and contributes to its implementation by funding innovative artistic and cultural expressions, empowering civil society, promoting gender equality and women's empowerment, and providing training and skills development programmes for arts and culture practitioners.

Meanwhile, the remaining weeks of Culture Month will focus on fashion and traditional foods. People are encouraged to wear traditional or African clothes to work or while going about their general business and preparing traditional cuisines at home. Also, next week will witness the official launch of African Languages Week (ALW) at the Midlands State University (MSU) in the Midlands Province. The ALW seeks to promote indigenous languages and observe them as official languages to be used in schools, universities, courts, other public institutions and in all domains of society. The launch will be held under the theme "African Languages for Sustainable Food Security, Cultural and Socio-economic Development for the Africa We Want" with the payoff line "#What We Speak and What We Eat Makes Africa Great!" The celebration provides opportunities to reflect on African languages and their development; and the use of languages as vehicles for attaining food security, peace, prosperity and integration in Africa.

May, a full month full of promoting Cultural Diversity, Unity and Peace!! Let's all enjoy it!