Colorado State University

04/12/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/12/2023 09:13

Morgan Library hosts National Library of Medicine traveling exhibit

Colorado State University's Morgan Library is now the temporary home of a traveling exhibit that tells the lesser-known story of how the movements of ordinary citizens helped shape the changing American health care system.

The exhibit, called "For All the People: A Century of Citizen Action in Health Care Reform," originated from the National Library of Medicine. It arrived at CSU on April 10 and is one of only 20 such exhibits in the U.S.

The display of six graphic banners will be in the Morgan Library's lobby until May 15 as part of the Thematic Year program, which highlights health.

It's a timely theme. Healthcare reform has been a contentious political issue in the U.S. for over a century.

Often, the public associates health care reform with presidents and national leaders, but communities, workers, activists and health care professionals have made their voices heard in the debate about whether and how to make quality health care available to all. Their stories take centerstage at the exhibit.

As part of the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine incorporates valuable national government knowledge and cultural knowledge preservation. It features traveling exhibitions such as this one at libraries across the world.