12/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/03/2024 14:16
Disability Justice, Environmental Justice, Health Justice, Media Coverage, News
Within recent years, New York Statehas created and proposed several major potential sources for fundingenvironmental justice initiatives: the Environmental Bond Act, Cap-Trade-and-Invest, and the Climate Superfund Act. Allthese funds must comply withthe Climate Leadership Protection Act (CLCPA) mandate that the agencies in charge of these fundsdirect a minimum of 35% with a goal of 40% of theiroverall benefits to disadvantaged communities (DACs) as identifiedby implementing criteria finalizedby the Climate Justice Working Group (CJWG). Programs enacted to meet the goals of the CLCPA, like Cap-Trade-and-Invest and the Climate Superfund Act (but not the Bond Act) must be deposited into the Climate Action Fund, which mandates high labor standards, state comptroller oversight of spending and results, and that all of the money flowing in is "on budget."
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