Council of Europe

12/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/13/2024 03:55

Council of Europe at the Internet Governance Forum: the AI Convention in focus

The use of AI systems may pose risks to human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Council of Europe's work to help address those risks, and in particular its ground-breaking Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law, will be showcased at the 2024 UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) being held in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) from 15 to 19 December.

The Framework Convention, the first-ever treaty on AI, is the topic of a targeted event being organised on 15 December. It will be moderated by Thomas Schneider, Vice-Chair of the Council of Europe's Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), the intergovernmental committee which drafted the Framework Convention, and will include an open discussion between panellists who represented their governments in the CAI during the negotiation of the treaty. (9.30-10.30 a.m., Local time - 7:30-8:30 a.m. CET)

On 16 December, a session will bring together stakeholders to discuss the recent adoption and future potential of the Council of Europe Methodology for the Risk and Impact Assessment of AI Systems on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law (HUDERIA Methodology). HUDERIA is a tool created by the CAI to guide public and private stakeholders in conducting assessments of the risks AI systems may pose to human rights, democracy and the rule of law, as well as to support the implementation of the AI Convention. (5-6 p.m., Local time - 3-4 p.m. CET).

Regarding the Council of Europe's work on data protection, on 15 December, a dedicated session will tackle the need for international consensus on the definitions used within the field of privacy and data protection, ensuring not only an adequate protection of personal data but also enabling, and not restricting, the free flow of data internationally. It will present and discuss these definitions, which are contained in the Council of Europe data protection "Convention 108" and currently being promoted through the various activities of the South Programme V "Protecting human rights, rule of law and democracy through shared standards in the Southern Mediterranean". (5.30-6 p.m., Local time - 3.30- 4.00 p.m. CET)

Finally, on 19 December, an open forum will allow IGF participants to learn about and discuss examples of the Council of Europe's tools and practices for protecting and promoting human rights online in various fields, including gender equality, combatting hate speech, sexual violence against children, and discrimination against minority groups. (11.15-12.15 a.m., Local time - 9.15-10.15 a.m. CET).

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