02/04/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 02/04/2025 04:06
TSE published the first sustainability report among Iranian Exchanges and capital market's entities.
The CEO of Tehran Securities Exchange announced on the 57th anniversary of TSE's establishment (3 Feb 2025) that it has taken a significant step towards transparency
and sustainable development by publishing its first sustainability report. This report serves as a roadmap for the future, and it also reflects the Exchange's deep
commitment to integrating sustainability principles, social responsibility, and effective corporate governance in all aspects of the exchange's activities.
Mahmoud Goudarzi, CEO of Tehran Securities Exchange, stated: "Today, sustainability has become one of the fundamental pillars of economic and investment activities. This report provides a clear picture of our commitments to sustainable development, which is presented to all stakeholders."
He added that the publication of sustainability reports attracts public trust and mentioned: "Publishing sustainability reports demonstrates companies' responsibility towards society and the environment, allowing them to increase transparency, gain public trust and create sustainable value in the long term."
The CEO of TSE noted: "As one of the key pillars of Iran's economy, we believe that financial markets are the main players in shaping a sustainable and balanced future. The publication of this report is an effective step towards strengthening transparency, increasing responsibility, and creating sustainable value for all stakeholders in Iran's capital market."
Goudarzi emphasized the development of the capital market and added: "In the economic dimension, our Exchange has made significant efforts to develop the capital market by introducing new financial instruments and improving trading mechanisms in various markets, including the stock market, debt market, derivatives market, exchange-traded funds, and the professional investment market. In the field of digital transformation, we have fully implemented electronic acceptance processes and established an advanced data center in line with global standards."
He considered corporate governance as the foundation for sustainable development and said: "In the field of corporate governance, relying on principles of transparency, responsibility, and professional ethics, we have created an efficient structure for managing and directing our activities, which not only increases public trust in the capital
market but also paves the way for sustainable growth and development."
Goudarzi evaluated the promotion of environmental protection culture as important and said: "Despite the limited environmental impacts, Tehran Securities Exchange has implemented effective measures to reduce pollution and protect natural resources, including optimizing energy consumption, reducing waste production, and promoting environmental protection culture. We believe that the environment is a valuable heritage that must be carefully and responsibly passed on to the future generations."
He pointed out the special attention of TSE to improving public welfare and stated: "In the social dimension, we have always played an active role, as implementing numerous programs to support our staff, vulnerable groups, enhance financial education, increase
transparency, and raise public awareness."
The CEO of Tehran Securities Exchange invited listed issuers to adopt sustainability principles: "As a member of SSE Initiative, we are well aware that achieving a sustainable future requires the collective participation and cooperation of all capital market participants. In this regard, we invite all issuers listed on the TSE to adopt sustainability principles and play an active role in increasing transparency, improving corporate governance, and creating sustainable values for Iran's capital market. The publication of the first sustainability report by the Tehran Securities Exchange is a significant step towards strengthening this culture and providing a model for our capital market issuers. We expect listed companies to publish their sustainability reports, strengthen transparency and accountability, and demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future."
"This report not only reflects our past performance but also serves as a roadmap for the future. Our vision is for TSE to operate as a leading Exchange excelling in sustainability, transparency, and innovation. We are committed to leveraging past experiences and relying on creativity and innovation to play a key role in financing the country's economy and promoting a sustainable future."
The Farsi version of the report is available at: https://www.tse.ir/delivery-detail?id=94702 and the English report will be shortly published.