Maryland and District of Columbia Credit Union Association Inc.

04/03/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/03/2024 07:09

Del-One FCU Celebrates Juntos Avanzamos Designation

Del-One FCU celebrates its Juntos Avanzamos designation during a proclamation ceremony at its corporate location in Dover. Del-One is the first credit union in Delaware to receive the designation. Along with the proclamation presented by leaders from Inclusiv, the credit union was also recognized by U.S. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester in a congratulatory letter.

Juntos Avanzamos
Juntos Avanzamos ("Together We Advance") is a designation for credit unions committed to serving and empowering Hispanic and immigrant consumers - helping them navigate the U.S. financial system and providing safe, affordable, and relevant financial services.

Del-One employs bilingual, culturally competent staff and leadership, partners with local Latino organizations throughout Delaware, and has established an ITIN Lending Program which allows non-citizens to apply for a loan using their taxpayer ID numbers instead of a Social Security number.

"Someone once said that while we may not be able to change the entire world, we can certainly make our little corner of it awesome. And that's exactly what we are doing here today," said Adrian Romero, Assistant Director of Retail Operations, Del-One FCU. "By promoting inclusivity, accessibility, and equality in financial services, we are creating a more vibrant, thriving, and equitable community for everyone."

Community Celebration
Del-One President and CEO Dan McCarthy, Del-One Board Chair Steve Smith, Del-One Chief Banking Officer John Chartrand, and Assistant Director of Retail Operations Adrian Romero were joined by Inclusiv Executive Vice President Pablo DeFilippi, Dover Mayor Robin Christiansen, New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer, MD|DC Credit Union Association President and CEO John Bratsakis, and Inclusiv Board Member and CU leader Luis Pastor.

Inclusiv is leading the national expansion of Juntos Avanzamos, in partnership with the Network of Latino Credit Unions and Professionals (NLCUP); Coopera, Iowa-based consultants to the credit union industry on the Hispanic market; Cornerstone Credit Union League, and a growing number of state leagues and associations across the country. The initiative was first developed by the Cornerstone League as a Hispanic outreach program in Texas.