RCL Foods Limited

08/12/2021 | News release | Archived content

First Virtual Emerging Leadership Development Programme delivered with impact!

Posted onThu 12th Aug 2021

First Virtual Emerging Leadership Development Programme delivered with impact!

This year was the exciting launch of the RCL FOODS Emerging Leaders Development Programme as a completely Virtual Programme. The attendees have enjoyed both the content of the programme, put together by the Nelson Mandela University (NMU) as well as the opportunity to connect virtually with their co-learners and facilitators.

RCL FOODS first launched the Emerging Leadership Development Programme in 2017.

This impactful programme is strategically positioned within the Transitional Leadership Development pillar of our Leadership Development Academy.

As a "FIT FOR PURPOSE" offering, the ELDP is designed to upskill individuals who are newly appointed into managerial positions, and individuals earmarked for future managerial roles. The programme teaches candidates to harness their leadership skills effectively and with a greater level of complexity, all in preparation for the next level of leadership. The underlying philosophy of RCL FOODS is to do MORE and the Virtual ELDP is certainly aligning to this by offering the group the opportunity to implement MORE of what they are learning.

Feedback from both the attendees and their leadership is that the programme has been well adapted for this virtual rollout.

All the modules with the 18 learners were conducted via Zoom sessions.

The first module; Personal Effectiveness; incorporates the Lumina Spark methodology and provides each attendee with their own unique portrait. The module aims to increase their

self-awareness, reveal hidden potential, and manage their derailers when triggered under pressure.

Further modules delivered by the Nelson Mandela University faculty, engaged delegates in topics on Management and the Changing World of Work, Resilience in Leadership, Innovative Thinking and Mental Models, Alignment and Execution and Team Leadership in the Modern Organisation.

During personal Leadership Lesson sessions, Senior leadership at RCL FOODS presented their Leadership Journeys offering insights into subjects such as the VUCA world, RCL's Strategic Thrusts, Continuous Improvement practices as well as practicing Emotional Maturity and Resilience during the pandemic. These Leadership Lessons aim to build connection between the learners and our leaders by creating internal Communities of Learning.

Another Community of Learning practice that built on engagement and interaction with RCL FOODS Leadership was the Big Room Discussion. Delegates each presented their Learning Journey to their leaders. Leaders were invited to question the group and comment on the progress of their team members. The learners were encouraged to pursue personal growth even after the programme ends.

The ELDP3 learners are now working hard on applying their learning in Business Improvement Projects (BIP). The BIP's encourage that the learners practice the skills learnt in the ELDP, thus applying the theory to their experiential learning and reflection. Through-out the programme learners have journaled their intent and can provide relevant accounts of their personal development. The project requires that learners identify and develop a comprehensive proposal for possible improvement within the Business.

As one Learner noted; "The Business Improvement Project is a great way to challenge yourself and get buy-in from management on a project that can add value to the business, which also enables me to build key relationships with other stakeholders that we don't normally work with on a daily basis."

RCL FOODS is very proud of the effort and with the level of engagement that the ELDP3 Learners have brought to this virtual ELDP, and we look forward seeing them do More in RCL FOODS.