eBay Inc.

12/04/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/04/2024 08:34

Seller Protections are in place for sellers impacted throughout the Northern Plains and Eastern Unit

As snow and its effects continue to impact travel and commerce throughoutthe Northern Plains and Eastern United States, please note that Seller Protections will be applied to shipments into and out of these areas.

Our primary concern is that you and your close ones stay safe. However, you may also be concerned about shipping delays for items already shipped or difficulties getting sold items to your carrier.

If your business is impacted, eBay will automatically protect your seller performance, including:

  • Your Late Shipment Rate (LSR) defects
  • Your valid tracking upload rate
  • Item Not Received (INR) cases due to late delivery along with any Negative or Neutral Feedback if you uploaded tracking before the case was opened and have a physical scan from the carrier

We encourage sellers to follow local guidance on safety precautions and to check with their local carrier locations on service schedules.We're continuing to make necessary adjustments to delivery date estimates so that your buyers have accurate expectations.

As always, thank you for selling on eBay.

The eBay Shipping Team