DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

03/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 03/23/2024 10:12

On the 14th Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Mike Erickson Would Continue Reckless Crusade To Wipe Away Health Care From Millions Of Americans

14 years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Mike Erickson and House Republicans continue to follow Donald Trump's dangerous calls to "terminate " coverage for 145,509 Oregonians, including some of the 701,000 with pre-existing conditions who would likely be denied coverage without the ACA's protections. And if he's elected to Congress, Mike Erickson would fall in line with his party's dangerous, backward health care demands.

Recent polling shows that nearly 60% of voters support the ACA. Half of all Americans want Congress to expand the ACA, not repeal or replace it.

The majority of the House Republican conference, via their continued support of the Republican Study Committee, support a plan to gut the ACA and privatize Medicare. Repealing the ACA could take away coverage from 40 million people enrolled through the open market and more than 50 million Americans with previously declinable pre-existing conditions.

Mike Erickson, Donald Trump, and House Republicans cannot be trusted with Americans' health care.

DCCC Spokesperson Dan Gottlieb:
"For 14 years, millions of Americans have had access to quality health care thanks to the Affordable Care Act. But House Republicans are fixated on repealing this law, putting hundreds of thousands of Oregonians with pre-existing conditions at risk of being denied coverage on Donald Trump's orders. If elected, Erickson would endanger the care that Oregonians need and deserve - and that's why voters will reject him once again at the ballot box."