DGA - Democratic Governors Association

07/31/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/31/2024 15:31

Kelly Ayotte Embraces JD Vance Despite His Weird and Dangerous Views on MarriageLatest News Year in Review

Kelly Ayotte Embraces JD Vance Despite His Weird and Dangerous Views on Marriage

After U.S. Senator JD Vance was announced as Donald Trump's running mate, Republican candidate for governor Kelly Ayotte quickly took to social media to praise this selection, claiming that the Trump-Vance ticket is "strong."

Vance has an extensive record of taking weird and alarming positions on marriage, divorce, and unmarried women, including:

Despite his weird and harmful agenda, Ayotte has called Vance "well qualified to serve as Vice President.""This isn't the first time Kelly Ayotte has stood by the dangerous, extreme, violent, and downright weird rhetoric of her political allies, and likely won't be the last," said DGA States Press Secretary Emma O'Brien. "While Ayotte continues to prop up some of her party's most extreme members, she's proving to Granite Staters that she is just a self-interested politician who will do and say anything to advance her political career - including shamelessly pandering to the MAGA base. Non-married Granite State women deserve to know: does Kelly Ayotte agree with her ally JD Vance that they should pay more in taxes and have less voting power?"
