FTC - Federal Trade Commission

01/13/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/13/2025 12:43

FTC Sends More Than $1 Million in Full Refunds to Customers Deceived by False Claims of “N95-Grade” Zephyr Face Masks

The Federal Trade Commission is sending more than $1 million to fully refund consumers who purchased deceptively marketed Zephyr face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In April 2024, the FTC took action against Razer Inc., alleging that the company falsely advertised its Zephyr masks as N95 or N95-equivalent. According to the FTC, the company never even submitted the masks for testing to the FDA or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the masks were never certified as N95.

The FTC is sending checks and PayPal payments to 6,764 consumers who purchased the deceptively marketed products. Recipients will get a full refund. Consumers should cash their check within 90 days, as indicated on the check, or redeem their PayPal payment within 30 days.

Consumers who have questions about their payment should contact the refund administrator, Simpluris, at 1-833-285-3003 or visit the FTC's website to view frequently asked questions about the refund process. The Commission never requires people to pay money or provide account information to get a refund.

The Commission's interactive dashboards for refund data provide a state-by-state breakdown of refunds in FTC cases. In 2023, FTC actions led to $330 million in refunds to consumers across the country.