ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party

04/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/09/2024 07:04

D66 adopt party programme for EU elections

On 6 April, ALDE Party D66 adopted its electoral programme for the European elections in June at a party Congress in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands.

The manifesto, entitled "New energy for Europe", focuses on key priorities such as European defence, financial reforms, climate neutrality and sustainability, job security and technological innovation.

Party leader Rob Jetten addressed the Congress in a keynote speech reminding members of D66's steadfast and constant commitment to build a better Netherlands through cooperation with fellow European member states and partners.

"Als wij alles goed doen, als we keihard werken, dan kunnen we extreemrechts verslaan."

- Rob Jetten op het

- D66 (@D66) April 6, 2024

"The Netherlands we are building stands on the foundation of the European Union. A border-free Europe must do what people need - be more equal, democratic, free. We want a strong, undivided, modern Europe," said Jetten.

"We want the Europe of the Nobel Peace Prize. The Europe that made war materially impossible. The Europe that rejected dictatorship and communism. The Europe that breaks walls, sets tables, creates bonds, wins hearts, gives hope. The Europe that does not lead by example of power, but leads by power of example."

D66 announced their full list for the elections at a Rally for Europe in January, with former Member of the European Parliament Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy confirmed as lead candidate.

En dat biedt kansen. Kansen voor onze Nederlandse innovatieve ondernemers. Ik waarschuw politici die groen beleid door de shredder willen halen. Zij vernietigen ook het loonstrookje van morgen.

- D66 (@D66) April 6, 2024

"The economy of tomorrow will be green anyway. And that offers opportunities for our Dutch innovative entrepreneurs. This is a warning to politicians who want to put green policy through the shredder: you are also destroying tomorrow's paycheck," said Gerbrandy during the Congress.

"In this changing world, Europe must be more united. Not 27 kingdoms, but one world power. Which, thanks to its strength, is not threatened by others, but celebrated for its democracy, individual freedoms and quality of life. For that Europe we go to the polls in June."

The European elections in the Netherlands are scheduled to take place on 6 June, as citizens will head to the polls to elect 31 MEPs.

You can rewatch Jetten's speech (in Dutch) below.

Volg hier live de speech van onze partijleider Rob Jetten

- D66 (@D66) April 6, 2024

Picture: D66 / Jeroen Mooijman