California Department of Transportation

12/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/17/2024 16:13

Night Work for Ramp, Lane Closures on US 101 as Marin Sonoma Narrows B 7 Project Continues in Marin County

Night Work for Ramp, Lane Closures on US-101 as Marin-Sonoma Narrows B-7 Project Continues in Marin County

Published: Dec 17, 2024

Schedule: Wednesday, Dec. 18 through Friday, Dec. 20

Marin County -The Marin-Sonoma Narrows B-7 construction project continues in December with new overhead sign structures, which require ramp closures on Southbound US-101 near Novato.

The San Antonio Road off-ramp on Southbound US-101 is scheduled to be closed on Wednesday, Dec. 18 and Thursday, Dec. 19 between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. the next mornings.

Detour for San Antonio off-ramp closure on Southbound US-101
Drivers should continue southbound and exit at Atherton Avenue, turn left, and enter Northbound US-101 to get to the San Antonio off-ramp.

There also will be lane closures on Southbound and Northbound US-101 from Wednesday, Dec. 18 through Friday, Dec. 20 during the same hours. At least one lane will be open for traffic at all times in both directions.

All work depends on weather. These are nighttime closures only.

This project hit another milestone on Aug. 30, 2024, when the deck of Southbound Franklin Avenue Overhead was poured as this was the last of the deck pours for the project. That bridge widening is the last bridge structure that will be widened as part of the Marin-Sonoma Narrows program.

Construction for the project includes widening US-101 to install HOV lanes for 3.5 miles along the northbound lanes from North Novato to the Marin, Sonoma line, and for 6.3 miles along the southbound lanes from De Long Avenue to the county line.

This is the last remaining High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane construction project as part of the 16-mile US-101 Marin-Sonoma Narrows (MSN) program. This project will complete and allow continuous HOV lanes on US-101 from Sausalito in Marin County to Windsor in Sonoma County. HOV lanes are scheduled to be open to use in the summer of 2025.

Please drive with caution. Slow for the Cone Zone and Be Work Zone Alert.

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