Frank Pallone Jr.

09/18/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2023 14:43

Pallone Announces Committee Democrats Will Investigate the Consequences of Republican-Imposed Abortion Restrictions on Health Care Providers and Patients

Washington, D.C.-Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) released the following statement today announcing an inquiry into the consequences of Republican-led restrictions on reproductive health care on doctors and patients across the country: "Almost immediately after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Republican-led states passed a wave of laws imposing extreme restrictions, and that trend has only intensified. Republicans' abortion restrictions are endangering women's health and imposing a dangerous chilling effect on providers. "The consequences of these laws have been heartbreaking. We've seen numerous reports of women forced to continue life-threatening pregnancies because doctors fear criminal prosecution for providing care. We've also seen doctors forced to leave their home states because they fear for their safety and are disheartened by undue political interference with their practice-an alarming trend that is leading to vast provider deserts in Republican-led states. There is even evidence that abortion bans have discouraged medical students from becoming OB-GYNs. "Energy and Commerce Committee Democrats will be investigating the consequences of these cruel laws to better understand their impact on doctors and patients as we work to restore the right to abortion nationwide."