Hakuhodo Inc.

02/09/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 02/08/2023 23:05

Hakuhodo and Japan Airlines to test KOKYO NFT, experiential NFTs aimed at increasing “relationship populations”

~Utilizing the web3 technology, demonstration experiments start from February 2023~

Tokyo-February 9, 2023-Hakuhodo Inc., an integrated marketing and innovation company headquartered in Tokyo, and Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. (JAL) today announced an agreement to jointly conduct demonstration experiments in Amami, Kagoshima Prefecture and Toba, Mie Prefecture, with the aim of verifying the feasibility of experiential NFTs intended to increase"relationship populations*1" by selling local experiences as NFTs*2 both internationally and domestically, using web3*3 technology.

JAL, which aims to solve social issues and create a sustainable human flow as stated in its ESG strategy, and Hakuhodo's Mirai Business Division, which aims to develop new businesses beyond the advertising business, have been discussing "experiential NFTs" to revitalize regional areas facing the social challenge of rapid population decline. This initiative started as a project of Scrum Studio Inc.'s "SmartCityX," a global open innovation program in which large corporations representing various industries and startups from around the world collaborate to co-create high-value services and applications.

The "KOKYO NFT" project aims to build a system that enables long-term relationships between visitors and the region before and after the trip and increase the number of relationship population.

In Toba, we offer the right to experience the "Pearl Wedding Ceremony," which celebrates the 30th anniversary of marriage. As Toba is famous for the origin of pearl farming, married couples can celebrate the 30 years of marriage at a special "Pearl Wedding Ceremony" with Toba NFT.
In Amami, we offer an NFT which contains a co-ownership right of a shochu barrel.

NFT holders could taste the shochu and join the distillery experiential program when they visit the distillery. After the shochu is to be distilled in the barrel for three years, they could receive the original kokuto shochu.

The NFTs will be produced and sold by 4M, Inc. and all processes involving NFT development and SNS operation will be outsourced to Lead Edge Consulting Co.,Ltd. NFT will be available at "KOKYO NFT website."

Through this initiative, JAL Group aims to build a new business challenge contributing to create relationship population by utilizing web 3.

Hakuhodo's MIRAI Business Division is creating web 3 experiences together with partner companies, leveraging its strengths in Sei-katsu-sha Insight and creativity. This initiative is part of this endeavor and the Division's aim to build a world where more sei-katsu-sha can participate in web 3.

Overview of the demonstration experiments

Toba, Mie
In Toba, we are offering the right to experience the "Pearl Wedding Ceremony," which celebrates the 30th anniversary of marriage. It includes a special course meal at Ama Hut, socialization with Ama divers, and a digital coupon to purchase pearl jewelry at Mikimoto Pearl Island.

1. Release date: Feb. 28, 2023
2. Price:1,000,000JPY
3. Experience program provider:
-i.Ise-Shima Resort Management Co.,Ltd./Toba Hotel International(Toba, Mie・General Manager:Fukunori Somyo)
-ii.AMA hut "HACHIMAN"(Toba, Mie・CEO:Kazuhiro Nomura)
-iii.MIKIMOTO PEARL ISLAND CO.,LTD.(Toba, Mie・CEO:Otohisa Matsuda)
4. Toba NFT URL: https://kokyo-nft.jp/toba/
5. Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kokyo_nft

The Mie Prefectural Government has been involved in "SmartCityX" from the very beginning of the project, and has provided a support for the demonstration experiment in Toba City together with Toba City.

Amami, Kagoshima
In Amami, we offer the co-ownership right of a kokuto shochu barrel and the right to choose the music for sonic-aging. There will be events in every summer and winter till the original shochu is to be distilled in three years. NFT holders can enjoy tasting event, music concert, and distillery experiential program.
1. Release date: Feb. 28, 2023
2. Price : 120,000JPY
3. Experience program provider: NISHIHIRA DISTILLERY(Amami, Kagoshima・CEO:Selena Nishihira)
4. Amami NFT URL:https://kokyo-nft.jp/amami/
5. Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kokyo_nft

Amami City has provided a support for the demonstration experiment in Amami.

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*1 Relationship populations are people who are not permanent residents or one-time visitors, but people who have a great love and appreciation for the place they are visiting, and are more likely to visit multiple times.

*2 NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are digital tokens that exist on a blockchain and cannot be replicated. It can be used as proof of community membership, as it is difficult to scam and can prove the authenticity of a transaction.

*3 web3 is the next-generation of the World Wide Web that utilizes blockchain and other decentralized technologies. Unlike web 2.0, which is the centralized network, web3 allows each person to control their digital identity.