National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

02/03/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 02/04/2025 02:15

Issue of harmonization of legislative requirements in the fields of urban development, technical and fire safety within the framework of the EAEU debated

Issue of harmonization of legislative requirements in the fields of urban development, technical and fire safety within the framework of the EAEU debated

2025 marks the tenth anniversary of the membership of the Republic of Armenia in the Eurasian Economic Union : the Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration Vagharshak Hakobyan said this.

Summarizing the results of the economic integration and defining the development perspectives, the RA NA Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration continues sectoral thematic discussions in that direction within the framework of parliamentary oversight.

On February 3, at the Committee the issue of harmonization of legislative requirements in the fields of urban development, technical and fire safety within the framework of the EAEU was debated.

The Head of the RA Urban Development, Technical Standards and Fire Safety Inspectorate Garegin Khachatryan informed that within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), they actively participated in discussions organized by authorized bodies aimed at developing integrated information systems, harmonizing sectoral legislation of the EAEU member states, and improving supervisory processes for compliance with technical regulations.

In 2024, the inspection body participated in 18 online debates and expressed its positions on the issues under debate. The work of the inspection body was highly appreciated by the EAEU for the effective interaction of the submitted proposals and active participation in the work debates.

Garegin Khachatryan noted that as a result of debates in the field of urban development, a draft inter-state agreement on mutual recognition of professional qualifications of leading technical personnel for project management in the construction sector between the EAEU member states was finalized and sent to the member states for ratification. For the successful implementation of the project, the inspectorate proposed to consider the qualification standard documents of the EAEU member states as valid for all countries until the issue of their final harmonization is resolved.

As part of the process of improving and harmonizing common principles and approaches in the legislation of the EAEU member states regarding technical regulations, a draft decision of the Eurasian Economic Council is being jointly prepared, the adoption of which will establish compatible regulations on mandatory requirements for products, as well as conformity assessment orders and processes.

The Head of the Inspectorate presented the implemented control mechanism, noting that back in 2023, the procedure for organizing inspections, surveys, tours, orders issued as a result of them, the progress of decisions, and their analysis was approved.

He informed that in 2024, the inspectorate carried out about 1,300 inspections and researches, more than 55,000 other control measures, as a result of which more than 8,500 administrative acts were issued.

Garegin Khachatryan answered the MPs' questions. In particular, he noted that 8,500 administrative acts relate to the application of disciplinary measures and the termination of the operation of facilities. Reference was made to the issues regarding the building permits and maintaining fire safety.

The Chairman of the State Revenue Committee (SRC) Eduard Hakobyan noted that the taxation logic is the same in the Republic of Armenia and in various EAEU countries: developers engaged in housing construction in the field of urban development are taxed in the same way. However, according to SRC Chairman, each country determines its own tax policy in the field of urban development. "We are discussing steps to make the movement of all goods and cargo traceable within the EAEU. There is a corresponding agreement, it will be discussed in the Government in the near future. The other direction is the operational exchange of data," Eduard Hakobyan said.

The SRC Chairman Eduard Hakobyan also answered the MPs' questions.